New Moon Ritual [Playlist]
Photo A Wild Dove
Please note, while it is great to do this with the New Moon, you can really start ANYTIME, so don't make excuses why you can't start TODAY!
As we begin the New Year, the general energy is to start something, change something, begin again, reset…All the redos, and today we are lucky enough to have the power of the New Moon in Capricorn to help us along.
Often people who are not able to create the life that they want, aren’t really clear on what that life is. When we are trying to direct the ship, we need to have an idea of where the destination might be. It can change and morph, but we move faster and with more flow when we have gotten quiet enough and brave enough to figure out where it is we want to go.
Once we get clear on what it is we want to create, we can start taking steps, even the smallest ones, in order to get closer to it and have more answers. There are many different paths that you can take in order to move towards where you want to go, and the partial solar eclipse will help you find a pathway that could be in more flow towards achieving all that you want.
“Be brave enough to look at what you really want and paiteint enough to acknowledge the steps it’ll take to get there” Jessica Lanyadoo
The energy of Capricorn can help us to stay disciplined and focused. Our big goals can be overwhelming to think about, but if we start breaking it down to smaller steps, things that we can easily start ticking off, we will start to grow our courage muscle. We’ll start to step into our vision even stronger and it can start to feel effortless.
The truth is, you don't have to have any connection to the moon to enjoy these rituals. At the very least, it is a nice reminder every few weeks to check in on what you want to bring in and what you want to let go of..
I'm start by creating a sacred space. For me, that is by my Altar, with all my crystals, which many of you might have already seen on this Instagram Post . I will light incense and a candle and play my New Moon Playlist
With your crystals, candle and incense lit, listen to the Play List . Take your time. sit quiet with your eyes closed listening, taking long deep breaths. Feel your breath moving through your body. With your eyes closed, allow them to gently roll back and up towards your third eye. Allow yourself to see whatever comes up. Getting quiet. Going in... Reflect. Think about what has been standing in your way, and see yourself moving it. Then start focusing on all that you want to bring in. When you already, grab your jouranl and start writing. You can do this is any way that feels comfortable. This can be lists, descriptions, anything that gets you into the feeling of what you want to bring forth. Get excited about all that is coming. Start to think about the small steps you can use to move forward. If you want to be more guided, you can use the journal exercise I posted awhile back HERE. It will be a different playlist, but a guided journal experience.
The first Mantra (Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo) is for tuning in. Connecting to your highest self and the line of teachers that have come before you. Tapping into your divine flow...
When you are done, take out your Palo Santo or Sage and start cleansing yourself and your crystals. I start with myself and the move onto my crystals, Starting at my feet and swirling in the smoke. Releasing it all. Chanting along with the third song:
Har Har Har Har Gobinde is the mantra of the second and third song. This Mantra is said to fixe the mind to prosperity and gives power to break down barriers of the past. It converts fear to determination and invokes guidance. (source 3HO)
"This mantra is to fix the mental to prosperity or power. It will produce money, it will come. Opportunities will come. Richness will come..." - Yogi Bhajan This isn't just about money, it is whatever it is that you are asking to call in.
"When you chant this mantra with the breath of life, it's quick, it's purposeful, and it brings in what you need to bring in..." - Yogi Bhajan
Complete Mantra:
Har Har Har Har Gobinday,
Har Har Har Har Mukunday
Har Har Har Har Udaaray
Har Har Har Har Apaaray
Har Har Har Har Hariang
Har Har Har Har Kariang
Har Har Har Har Nir-naamay
Har Har Har Har Akaamay
Repeating it along with the song as you let the smoke cover your energy. Feel the blessing of letting things that don't serve you go, and then feeling all that you can be. End at the crown , above the head.
When you’re done, place your crystals out in the moon light. I like to let my crystals sit out for a minimum of 24 hours…When you take them back in, they will have the power of your intentions. If you can’t put them outside, put them near a window.
Above, is just what I do, but feel free to tweak it and make it your own. Tap into what feels good for you.
Please note, the energy of the new moon is not just on the actual new moon, so if you can't do it tonight, don't you fret, you have 3 days before and after...
If you are looking for a little extra help with making 2019 a year beyond your wildest dreams, Book a One on One Session with me! Looking forward to connecting!
Enjoy...Drop me a line and let me know, how it went. I would love to hear from you!