New Years' 40 Day Meditation to Learn the Lessons of the Past
Photo John Von pamer
The beginning of the year is a great time to reflect. For me, today is about meditating and journaling. The start of the year is the perfect time to start a new habit. Yogi Bhajan says practicing every day for 40 days straight will break any negative habits that block you from the expansion possible through the kriya or mantra.
I am in love with Kirtan Kriya in general, and the Cross-Heart version is extra special. I find it to be incredibly clearing and peaceful. This meditation works on The Negative Mind, The Negative Mind is there to protect us, but when it is too loud, it can stop us from moving forward and taking action. When The Negative Mind is too quiet, we can find ourselves repeating mistakes of the past. This is a great meditation for bringing The Negative Mind into balance. You will be able to learn quickly from your past, and see new ways to clean it up and avoid repeating the same lessons. I am going to add this meditation to my daily meditation for the next 40 days. I invite you to do this along with me and let me know how it goes!
"The Hemispheres will balance; the past will be processed and dumped; and insecurity will vaporize." Yogi Bhajan
I will start by being in a sacred space, for me that is by my Altar. Next, I will light my candle and my incense and sit quiet for a Moment. Then I will begin...
I created an audio file that will include tuning in, a quick basic spine series warm up and then 11 minutes of Cross Heart Kirtan Kriya, followed by 3 minutes of the Gong. There will be music and I will be calling out all the cues. You can listen to the audio below.
“Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” said three times. Ong Namo: I bow to the Creative Wisdom, Guru Dev Namo: I bow to the Divine Teacher within.
Ad Guray Nameh Jugad Guray Nameh Sat Guray Nameh Siri Guru Devay Nameh said three times. Ad Guray Nameh: I bow to the primal wisdom. Jugad Guray Nameh: I bow to the wisdom through the ages .Sat Guray Nameh: I bow to the true wisdom. Siri Guru Devay Nameh: I bow to the great unseen wisdom
Quick WARM UP of Basic Spine Flex. Come into Easy Pose (a comfortable cross-legged sitting position). Inhale as you lift the chest up high and tilt the pelvis forward. Then exhale, round the lower back, and rock the pelvis back. Remember to lift the chest up high on each inhale and keep the chin level to the ground in both positions.
This is good to lubricate the spine, and move the energy. It adjusts the spine, strengthens the nervous and reproductive systems, and brings the emotions into balance. It is not part of the meditation, but beneficial to warm up the spine.
Image by starhealing 11
Posture: Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Cross the forearms below the wrist and place them in front of the chest. Arms should be out slightly and angled a bit up towards the chest.
Eye Focus: Look down to the tip of your nose.
Mantra: Sa - Infinity Ta - Life Na - Death, Transformation Ma - Birth
Chant “Sa Ta Na Ma” out loud and press the corresponding fingers to your thumb on each syllable.
Sa - Press thumb and index finger (brings knowledge)
Ta - Press thumb and middle finger (brings wisdom and patience)
Na - Press thumb and ring finger (brings vitality)
Ma - Press thumb and pinkie finger (brings enhanced communication)
Library of Teachings
TA Library of Teachings
NA Library of Teachings
MA Library of teachings
Your arms should be like the drawing above, across your chest. These pictures are just to show you the changing fingers for the meditation.
Time: 11 Minutes
To Finish:
Inhale and suspend your breath, roll your eyes back up and become completely still. Then relax. (Adapted from KRI and The Mind, Yogi Bhajan)
After you finish the meditation, I invite you to put on THIS PLAYLIST As you listen, reflect upon 2018. What were some of the lessons you learned from things that might have turned out differently than you had wanted. When were there times that you had wished you could have reacted differently. And continue to go through all the things that no longer serve you from 2018 and then spend the remainder thinking about all that you want to call in to replace those habits, people, thoughts, beliefs, etc…. Get as detailed as you can as you write all of this out. After that, start to think and write about what are some of the things that you could do starting today to move closer to what you want to call in. Get clear and specific. Take your time…
Happy New Year, may 2019 be filled with happiness, joy, good health, abundance, compassion and love.
If you are looking for a little extra help with making 2019 a year beyond your wildest dreams, Book a One on One Session with me! Looking forward to connecting!