Full Moon Meditation [Recorded Meditation]

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Image Pexels


As many of you are aware, we have some intensity going on with the planets right now. The Sun is in Scorpio, the Full Moon is in Taurus and of course Mercury is still retrograde. While many of us can feel all the intensity, it is actually a really beautiful time to go in deep and release things from your past that you have been holding onto.

While many people get very fearful during Mercury in retrograde, in actuality it is an opportunity for us to slow down. For us to see what we keep bringing in from our past into our present. The Sun in watery Scorpio is all about transformation. It brings with it the energy of death and rebirth. If we use the slowing down of Mercury in retrograde, we can really see what it is we need to let go of. The part of us that we are ready to shed, in order to bring the version of us we know we can be. We have to allow part of us to die, so that we can realign with our true selves. We can release all that has been put on us so that we can return home to ourselves.

The energy of the Full Moon is often thought of as shining a light on what is hidden within us. The stuff that is not on the surface. The light of the moon shines on all the things that we often don’t want to look at. During different phases of the Moon, different parts of our sub conscious beliefs are more present. We have more access to these “unseen” parts. We can use these times to work on clearing and unblocking the old limiting beliefs that are no longer serving us.

The Full Moon in Taurus is very sensual and grounded. It is a great moon to plant seeds in. Using the shedding of Scorpio Sun, we can plant the seeds for what we want to create. Full Moons are more often associated with releasing, than setting intentions. Luckily with the grounded earthly energy of Taurus, and the rebirth of Scorpio, it is a perfect time to do this. When we use the Full Moon to clear, we can have room for what we want to bring in. .

As I always say, I am not an astrologer, but I deeply feel the energy of the moon cycles. I look to get quiet during different phases and feel what is coming up for me during those times. So around phases like the New Moon, Full Moon or Eclipses, I do rituals and meditations that use the extra energy of the sky during these powerful times. And, let’s be honest, you have most likely already started to feel the intensity of our planetary party going on.

With all of this powerful energy in the sky, let’s use it to help let go of what ever it is that is no longer serving us. Take some time to do the following meditation, so that you can fully release what is you no longer need.


Get yourself into a space you can get quiet, maybe light a candle and/or incense. Have your journal near by. When you are ready, hit play below!

When you are finished,  pull out your journal and acknowledge the things that came up for you.  Writing out and saying out loud that you are ready to release each thing that came up. Take your time, feeling and releasing what you are tired of carrying around with you. Get clear. This is also a good time to clear your crystals, if you feel called to. You can do with Palo Santo, Sage, Sound, Dirt, Water etc... To get more information check out THIS VIDEO where we talk about crystals, moons and clearing....When you are finished put your crystals either outside or near a window for 24 hours...You can rip up the paper after, burn it, throw it down the toilet…whatever feels best for you…


If you’re ready to unblock and release patterns that have been holding you back and want a little extra guidance, I would love to see you in New York City in person, or virtually anywhere Schedule a time here. Looking forward to connecting!