Releasing on this Full Moon [Playlist]

As always, a full moon is a great time of releasing. It is a time of closure and completion. The focus of tonight's full Moon in Aries, allows us to get the determination to move past our limitations and all that has been holding us back. We have the added support to release our limiting beliefs about ourselves so that we can tune in and be the version of ourselves that we know we are. In order to release it, you have to acknowledge it.

The full moons are opportunities for us to look within and see our “stuff”. They shed light on the areas that we have wanted to avoid, but when we do avoid them show up as blocks to all that we actually want. So for tonights ritual, let’s go inside and see what comes up.

The mantra that we will use is

Ardaas Bhayee,

Amar Daas Guroo,

Amar Daas Guroo,

Ardaas Bhayee,

Raam Daas Guroo,

Raam Daas Guroo,

Raam Daas Guroo,

Sachee Sahee.

“Choose the pain you need to let go of. Choose the fear, the anger, the thing you did years ago that you can’t forget.  Choose the situation you are ready to leave behind.  And chant this mantra:This is a way of calling upon Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das (who represent the Hope of the Hopeless and the Lord of Miracles).  It begins by affirming that what you are saying is a prayer. You then connect with their powerful energies.  And then “sachee sahee”….you release it and let it go.  You know that your prayer is heard and it’s done.  This is the mantra of answered prayers, of moving beyond difficult situations, and gracefully letting go.” (

I have created THIS PLAYLIST. As you listen to it, start to go inside. Allow yourself to get quiet so you can hear what is coming up for you. What is it that you want to release? What have you been holding onto that you no longer want to carry? Really allow yourself to feel what it is you need to release. As the mantra plays, feel yourself releasing it. Use the power of the prayer of the mantra to let it go.

When the next song plays, start to feel what it would be like if you were no longer holding onto that story… What could life feel like in that new energy? What would you do? What might you create? What could you call in and manifest? When you are ready, pull out your journal and write whatever came up for you.

Afterwards, you might want to charge and clear your crystals with the Full Moon. You can checkout  THIS POST if you want a great journaling and crystal clearing exercise.

If you’re ready to really release what has been holding you back and want a little extra help, I would love to see you in New York City in person, or virtually anywhere Schedule a time here. Looking forward to connecting!