The Last New Moon + Solar Eclipse of the DECADE

As we near the end of the year we are met with a very potent sky to give us a lot of energy to create the future we want. On December 25th, we are met with the last New Moon and the following day with the last Solar Eclipse of not just the year, but the decade!  The New Moons are powerful times for growth and intentions and the solar eclipse magnifies and accelerates this.. And it is in the Capricorn, so what does that mean for us?

Luckily it’s all good news! This new moon is a very abundant new moon filled with new opportunities. And don’t forget we are still in the portal between the winter solstice and the end of the year so we have even more magic. The New Moon is recharging itself with the energy of the sun, so it is absorbing lots of Capricorn energy, Capricorn- is all about getting stuff done! Setting goals and accomplishing them!

Capricorn is quite the taskmaster, ruled by Saturn the energy is about setting strong foundations, stability and follow through.  In order to truly keep yourself connected and aligned with your goals, you need a strong foundation.   This is a good time for financial and career goals, a time when you have more energy and focus for goal setting. 

If you follow along on my Instagram stories, you know I have been discussing the idea of integrity with your word, and how powerful and important that is.  Capricorn energy is quite helpful with that. Yogi Bhajan said:

“Basically in reality in your life, it is not the life which decides your destiny, it is the courage. And courage is nothing but commitment.” 

In order for us to create and set a strong foundation, we have to get clear on what it is we are looking to create. If we can get clear on that, commit to it, take small steps daily to get us closer, then all that we desire is filled with infinite possibilities. So, let’s get clear on what it is we want, and then fully COMMIT to it and watch what the magic unfold. 

So herein lies the question, what is it you want to create?  The shadow side of Capricorn is one that allows the doubt and fear to stop us from creating all that we are here to create  I was on a call with a friend recently and we were discussing A Course in Miracles and how it states that we are all here to create, that is our purpose. It is up to us to figure out what that creation is.

Open yourself up to the magic of this sky and you’ll have the energy to plant the seeds for the future you are here to build.But, remember, in order to build that plan you must get clear 

Get yourself into a quiet, dark place, possibly grab an eye pillow. Light a candle, maybe incense, and have your journal and pen nearby. Then when you are ready, press play on the recording below!

This guided meditation will take you into a deep meditation and has prompts to help you go deep inside and get clear.

If you enjoy all my Meditations + Rituals, please join me for my Private/Group Coaching starting in January.

And yes, it comes with a PRIVATE ONE ON ONE

Get the support, tools, and the guidance to MAKE a new, empowering story your reality...before the year’s even over.

This is my personal invitation for you…

There are only a few spots left- Is one of them yours?

You want complete individual attention, I would love to see you in New York City in person, or virtually anywhere Schedule a time here. 

Looking forward to connecting!

If you haven’t done it yet, NOW is a great time to do the Winter Solstice Meditation.