Full Moon in Virgo

On Monday, March 9th, we are entering the Virgo Full moon and it will be at its’ fullest at 5:47 pmn EST This is a beautiful Full Moon to truly step into all of you, even the parts of you that you have been trying to keep hidden. The parts of you that make you feel shame, sadness, embarrassment etc…This is a perfect moon to take control of your life.

During different phases of the Moon, different parts of our subconscious beliefs are more present. We have more access to these “unseen” parts. The Full Moon is also about completions and endings. This is when the moon is at its’ most powerful. It is why people can often feel it even more so than a New Moon. The light is shining bright, and often on things we don’t want to see. The Full Moon tunes into your inner you and can act as your guide. The Moon is Full when it is opposing the Sun.

During the Full Moon, the Moon is in one sign and the Sun is in the opposing sign. We want to work with both of these energies. So we are working with The Earthiness of the Full Moon in Virgo and the watery nature of the Sun in Pisces… When we think of Virgo energy it is about being consistent, logical, and order. Very habitual and precise. It is a time when you want to think about the habits you have, what are you doing that is robotic and not in a place of choice. Your habits create your life. Knowing this, you want to be mindful of what they are. This is great when it is in its’ highest vibration, but when it is at its’ lowest, we are so locked into a structure that there is no room for fun, and to think outside the box.

“The secret of your future, is hidden in your daily routine” Mike Murdock

At this time the Sun is in Pisces, which is more about freedom and nonstructure. It is emotionally and a little chaotic in its lack of structure. Again, we love what it gives us in its highest form, but at its lowest, we can feel lost and anxious. Using the power of both of these signs we can find a balance where our structure leads to our freedom.

As I have written before the Full Moon, brings light on the things we sometimes don’t see, often the things we are trying to keep hidden. Many refer to this as our shadow. While this can be incredibly emotional, it is also a time of great release. When we don’t pay attention to our shadow and don’t become friends with it, it actually becomes more powerful in blocking us from the things we truly want. The Full Moon is a beautiful time to get quiet, to get honest with yourself…Allow the light to show you the things you have been trying to hide from. From there, you can learn to integrate them and therefore loosen their powerful hold over you.

If you are looking to truly harness the power of this Full Moon, check out my




If you feel anxious, stuck, like your life isn't working the way you know it can be, then you’re in the right place.


In this workshop, we use

 guided reiki meditations, breathwork, journaling and Kundalini meditation to tap into this energy.

We will inspire a deep experience of our highest self. We will tap into our subconscious mind and bring forward all that we need to clear and everything that has been holding us back. With this awareness, we will be lead to aligned actions to make shifts into creating the life of our dreams. We will:

  • Make friends with our shadow to remove the blocks from the things we truly want.

  • Integrate our shadow and loosen its powerful hold over ourselves.

  • Tap into our psychic abilities and release the fears you have around embodying them.

  • Discover techniques to keep this incredibly transformative energy running through us.

If you are looking for a little more help with making 2020 a year beyond your wildest dreams, Book a One on One Session with me! Looking forward to connecting! 

Enjoy...Drop me a line and let me know, how it went. I would love to hear from you!