Creating Love in ALL your Relationships

All relationships are challenging.

They’re supposed to be.

Relationships are here to be our teachers, and to highlight the spaces and places we can work on ourselves and heal our wounds.

There are ALWAYS underlying issues that will come up, and each time this happens, we get to choose how to show up.

Which, when we think about how people TYPICALLY deal with challenges in their relationships, this is a bit countercultural.

Because we have to accept that we are part of the problem.

And then we have to decide we want to change that, and start moving towards becoming the best version of ourselves possible.

But it’s not just our close relationships that improve when we do this.

When we change our relationship with ourselves, we also change our relationship with the world.

Which is to say - everything gets better.

We learn to cultivate inner peace during conflict and look for solutions to the problems, not just proof that we are right.

We learn to have arguments (because they will always happen) with an open heart instead of a closed, cold one.

We learn to listen to other people’s opinions without feeling threatened by how they are different from our own…and maybe even learn a thing or two.

We learn to understand our role in each dynamic, which then gives us the opportunity to pivot and choose how we want to show up.

And we begin to witness the beautiful butterfly effect of the changes we make in ourselves, and how they inspire changes for the positive in everyone around us.


Not many people show up this way for relationships, though.

It’s not for lack of care or commitment, but rather because this often isn’t modeled or taught to us.

Which is where I come in.

I created
Relationships: The Master Class because my own personal toolkit is just too good to not share.

I want to show you how to:

Communicate better.

To be more open.

To see things and yourself differently.

To be in relationship with everything around you in a way that feels open and good.

I want to offer you the tools that helped me to build better relationships with my friends, my family, in my business, and even with the people I don’t agree with.

Your relationships truly can be the most healing and inspiring parts of your life if you show up for them with the tools I offer you in
Relationships: The Master Class.

Because here’s the thing:

The secret to having good relationships is YOU.

How you show up for yourself AND how you show up for your people.

And the stories you tell yourself about your dynamics and connection.

Because let’s face it: relationships can be hard.

But they don’t have to be.

And that’s why I created:

Because here’s the thing:

The secret to having good relationships is YOU.

How you show up for yourself AND how you show up for your people.

And the stories you tell yourself about your dynamics and connection.

Because let’s face it: relationships can be hard.

But they don’t have to be.

And that’s why I created:

Relationships: The Master Class

In it, I give you the tools you need to not only connect with the relationships in your life, but do what it takes to make them incredible.

A healthy relationship can be the most powerful container for growth and healing that you will ever have.

But you have to consciously show up for it.

Relationships: The Master Class is a seven module course that teaches you how to create masterful relationships in every facet of your life.
Here's How It Works:

Every week, for six weeks, you will receive a new pre-recorded module in your portal.

Modules are:

  1. A Deep Dive Into Relationships (open NOW)

  2. Heart Centered Courage (opens a week later)

  3. Maintaining Autonomy & Alignment (opens a week later)

  4. Resolving Conflict (opens a week later)

  5. The Most Important Relationship Of All (opens a week later)

  6. Embodying Love (opens a week later)

In November 2022, the seventh module "Surviving Family & Holidays" will be recorded LIVE. After it is edited, it will be added to your portal.

Each module includes a lecture, class notes, a guided reiki bath and homework to work on until the next module is released.

A very special relationship meditation practice is given to you at the start of the course to help you integrate what you learn throughout the course.

You will have access to the Master Class for one year from the date of your purchase.



jamie graber