Total Solar Eclipse + A Free Workshop

The long awaited New Moon in Aries TOTAL Solar Eclipse arrives on Monday.

This is a multi-layered extravaganza, marking the Astrological New Year (which is the true New Year) and bringing with it a fiery wave of inspiration to plant aligned seeds for the future of your dreams. 

And, for extra fun, we are now firmly in the midst of Mercury Retrograde.

For many of us, the year has felt like a slow start. Like the things we tried to put into motion at the New Year have stalled out. 

But the New Moon in Aries opens up the floodgates of possibilities in what we are creating. 

And the Total Solar Eclipse SUPERCHARGES the New Year New Me energy we are in.

So this is the true time of creation - our desires and dreams that have revealed themselves during the first four months of the year are now ready to be planted and bloom. 

The energy of Aries helps us dig deep and be super courageous when we are in alignment with our true self - not the projections of others.

When we are in alignment with ourselves, there is a ripple effect out into the world that helps move others into alignment with themselves. 

We know we are on the right path when our own betterment creates betterment for others.

When we work with this Moon and Eclipse, we are literally helping to make the world a better place. 

Ask yourself:

What is your purpose? 

How do you want people to experience you? 

What bold moves can you make to do that?

While Aries inspires us to blast forward into the future, Mercury Retrograde reminds us to slow down and be considerate in our actions and our intentions.

It forces us to understand whether our fervor is ignited by excitement or fear.

Are we excited because we are aligned, our are we rushing because we are afraid that what we want might pass us by?

It’s important to remember that if it is meant for us, it will never miss us. But we have to be clear if what we want is actually aligned with our true self.

Because once we are aligned, we are unstoppable.

Real power comes from sitting with our thoughts and making decisions that align with what is meant for us.

Mercury Retrograde infuses the frenetic energy of Aries season with a need to source an inner calmness, reminding us that we can trust in the divine timing of the universe.

So while the New Moon in Aries helps us connect with our soul, Mercury Retrograde helps us be thoughtful with how we express it.

AND THEN ON TOP OF THAT, Eclipses bring up all of our old patterns, and get us into a very reactive place. All of our resistance, blocks and triggers loudly reveal themselves.  

But by working with the Cosmic Energy around us, we can understand why everything is happening, and start excavating the wounds within.

Eclipses are always about lessons, and how we work with the energies around us (and within us) decides whether we learn them or not. 

Remember your trigger is the catapult for your healing -whatever you’re in right now, don’t forget that it’s just a moment.

And it’s this moment that is bringing you into an old wound to work on and stop repeating it so you can move on and move forward into your destiny.

I know this is A LOT of information. And there’s also a lot going on energetically, a lot going on in our lives, and a lot going on in the world.

There are also A LOT of workshops out there that claim to connect you with this wild energy.

So I decided to make it easy for you, and offer you a

FREE New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse Mercury Retrograde Workshop.

Register for access - it’s as simple as that.

If you want to shift, but aren’t ready for the whole year commitment-

join pilar1 foundations of Manifestation.

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