Releasing with the Full Moon In Scorpio

The wildly potent and emotional Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates the night sky on Tuesday, on the heels of one of the most powerful Solar Eclipses of our lifetime.


This Full Moon brings us into deep confrontation with the thoughts, behaviors and patterns we still have to release that made themselves clear during Eclipse season.


This Full Moon packs an emotional punch, and we may find ourselves drawn to some of the more shadowy aspects of Scorpio, such as escapism through busyness, overthinking, avoiding feelings, obsession and possessiveness. 


Or we may find ourselves preoccupied with the shadowy side of Taurus (where the Sun is) through materialism, external ambitions or sourcing our worth through what we have/achieve instead of who we are.


If we take the time to turn inward and see what we are avoiding, we understand the magic that is waiting for us on the light side of this intense cosmic moment in time: the reminder that we are magic and can create everything we desire.


I created Moon Baths: the perfect way for you to see how magical working with the Moons can be for you in a way that fits into your life, not take it over.


In Moon Baths, you get a special reiki-infused meditation specific to this energy, which helps you get quiet enough to understand what's going on in your subconscious mind and what to do with it.


And the journaling prompts help you understand what next steps you will need to take that wisdom and turn it into earthly actions.


When you work with this Moon, you turn your wounds into wisdom so it can lead to your greatest creation. -

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