Why You Should Shift With Me

I’m a coach, so the nature of my job means that people come to me with their problems.


While some of our problems may fix themselves, I’ve found that the way to ensure the best outcome is to learn to trust the flow of life.


And you’re not alone in this - so many of us have the same problems.


Group coaching with me brings you into the conversation - with like-minded women on the same path as you - and tools you need to fall in love with the journey of your life.


Because as we know, the external world throws us lots of loops.


So does the internal world.


But how we deal with it - the agility we have with what comes our way and the clarity we have when navigating those loops - is what makes all the difference.


Having that clarity and agility is precisely what sets apart the dream wanters from the dream havers, and my program SHIFT is what teaches you how to go from wanting to having.


Because do you have that clarity? Do you know what you’re working towards? Do you have a plan of actions you need to take in order to get there?


Pillar One of SHIFT helps you get clear on what you want, and put together a powerful game plan to get there.


Can your nervous system handle the path? Do you have the inner strength and peace to do what you need to do, and get back up when you get knocked down?


Pillar Two of SHIFT teaches you nervous system regulation and how to manage your body and mind during stressful situations.


Are you able to be in the world without shutting it or others down in order to stay connected to your soul's purpose, in your truth, or focused on your goals?


Pillar Three of SHIFT teaches you how to optimize your relationships and leverage them in a way where you feel fully supported and confident to make the dream happen.


Are you able to call in the dreams despite the very normal experiences of feeling unworthy, unprepared and having imposter syndrome?


Pillar Four of SHIFT helps you call in the dream and stay connected to it during the tests and dark nights along the way.


Are you ready and able to live the dream? Do you understand how having the dream is so different from living the dream, and that once it happens, you have a responsibility to that dream to live it well? Are you prepared for that?


Pillar Five of SHIFT gets you into the zone of embodying your dream life, living it and keeping it.


There’s no real formula to SHIFT, but there is a flow.


And that flow, along with expert advice and inspiration from me, will bring you into the life of your dreams.


SHIFT won’t fix your problems - it will teach you how to lean into life with an embodied sense of trust and let the miracle that is you blossom into the life of your dreams. 

If you want to shift, but aren’t ready for the whole year commitment-

join pilar1 foundations of Manifestation.

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