New Moon In Taurus

Photo by Alexandro David

Photo by Luiz Clas

On May 11th at 3:00pm EST we enter the New Moon in Taurus. The Earthy energy of Taurus en is about stability, home, security, money , etc. It is a Moon that asks you to get grounded and present, It is a time to go slow and build a foundation. Often we can manifest the things we desire, but we don’t have the ability to hold them. The Taurus New Moon helps us in building a strong foundation so that we can not only manifest the life of our dreams but actually sustain it.

When we are being intentional about creating a life that we want, we want to notice all that we already have. When we notice what we already have it builds momentum and we can begin to see more and more that aligns with us receiving and being in a state of flow, rather than feeling like life is a struggle and that we have to hustle.

New Moons are wonderful times to set intentions. During different phases of the Moon, different parts of our subconscious beliefs are more present. We have more access to these “unseen” parts. The New Moon is also about beginnings. This New Moon in Taurus is an opportunity to start planting seeds, and the more you listen the more you will hear how to feed them…

If you are looking to truly harness the power of this New Moon, check out my


If you are looking to deepen your practice and manifest the life of your dreams, check out:

Shift Your Consciousness my intimate group coaching program for women who are ready to get unstuck and start manifesting the life of their dreams.

It’s designed to help you replace your limiting beliefs with new, healthy, empowering thought patterns so you can:

  • Step off the emotional roller coaster of reactive, negative energies

  • Dissolve the self-defeating narrative that keeps you ‘playing small’

  • Get the clarity you need to start doing things on your own terms

  • Show up more confident at work, in your body and all your relationships

You get access to the same powerful strategies I’ve used to help hundreds of clients and students unlock big breakthroughs and reprogram limiting beliefs.

The best part? I’ll be by your side every step of the way, helping you transform your Conscious, Subconscious and Energetic mind, in a structured, supportive environment