Full Moon in Sagittarius- Lunar Eclipse
Photo by Pedro Figueras
On May 26th at 11:13 am EST we will enter the Full Moon in Sagittarius, but you will likely begin feeling and seeing its powerful light a few days before that. As I have said before, I am not an astrologer, but I am very connected to the Moon cycles, and the more I pay attention, the more things start to flow. When you do rituals with the Moon Cycles, you have the pull of the sky on your side. The energy of this Full Moon in Sagittarius is about finding wisdom. Reflecting on our past and finding the lessons and wisdom that we needed from those moments.
The energy of the Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar eclipse is quite intense. A lot of your past stuff can come up and this is a perfect time to see it from a different perspective. Look back on the past year, what have you learned since last May., Is there a way you can see certain situations differently and learn and grow from them? This quote from Dr. Joe Dispenza captures this Moon perfectly, “A memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom.” With meditation, you can allow your past pain to come up and use it to heal and learn rather than feeling stuck and trapped. While it is not always comfortable to be in our feelings, it is an opportunity to use that discomfort to learn and grow from it, If we can understand ourselves better we are less likely to be pulled into reactionary patterns that keep us stuck and blocked.
During the Full Moon, the Moon is in one sign and the Sun is in the opposing sign. We want to work with both of these energies. On this Full Moon, we are working with the fiery Moon in Sagittarius and the airy nature of the Sun in Gemini. We can use the curiosity of Gemini to grab knowledge from our past. To understand ourselves better, to connect with our previous life lessons.
During different phases of the Moon, different parts of our subconscious beliefs are more present. We have more access to these “unseen” parts. The Full Moon is also about completions and endings. The Lunar eclipse amplifies this. This makes it a perfect time to really work on our shadow.
Full Moons brings light on the things we sometimes don’t see, often the things we are trying to keep hidden. Often these are enhanced ways of the lower vibration of the signs they are in. Many refer to this as our shadow side. While this can be incredibly emotional, it is also a time of great awareness and release. When we don’t pay attention to our shadow and don’t become friends with it, it actually becomes more powerful in blocking us from the things we truly want. The Full Moon is a beautiful time to get quiet, to get honest with yourself…Allow the light to show you the things you have been trying to hide from. From there, you can learn to integrate them and therefore loosen their powerful hold over you.
For many of us, myself included, our shadow is quite loud right now and it is quite uncomfortable. The way to make a lasting change is to sit with the discomfort and commit to showing up daily to change what we don’t like in ourselves and the society we live in. This is where the DAILY practice becomes so important.
If you are looking to truly harness the power of this Full Moon, check out my
With all of this powerful energy in the sky, let’s use it to let release all that is holding us back!
If a workshop isn’t your speed, but you still want to connect with the Moon, check out the numerous FREE meditations at the link below. Even if they are written for a different moon, you can do the meditation ANY time!