New Moon In Capricorn


We are entering the first New moon of the year (January 13TH 12:00 AM EST) and it is the perfect time to focus on new beginnings and things that we want to bring forth. The first New Moon of the year, in Capricorn, is especially powerful for setting your year in the direction you want it to flow.  The New Moon in Capricorn is all about setting long term intentions and taking actions towards them. 

Around the New Year is when so many of us like to make resolutions. We think of the beginning of the year as a new slate. While I am all about intentions, New Years’ ones often feel restrictive and pressure-filled. It can tie into all of our feelings of not being enough. The feelings so many of us have of needing to be fixed and changed. So we make these grand resolutions that we know we will never follow through on and it just makes us feel even worse than before.

Luckily we have this powerful detail-oriented New Moon in Capricorn so close to the New year. We can use this energy to recalibrate. To get really quiet and see what we actually want for this New Year, and not get trapped in the loop of the New Year New Me noise that has us feeling restricted as opposed to expansive. You might be thinking, Jamie you are often telling us we have to take actionable steps so the goals make sense, and that is true, but there is a difference.

I am in full belief that it is good to set goals for ourselves. I think it is very much part of intentional living, but we can have a different experience with it. When we get quiet we can really tune into our deep desires. In meditation, we can feel ourselves in the energy of having that thing. The more we allow ourselves to tune into that energy, the more we connect with it. The more we connect with it, the more we are in a place of trust. When we make our goals in a state of trust we are lead to actionable steps that feel good. They feel aligned and inflow. They feel expansive and possible. Even if the work is “hard”, it feels good. So yes, it is powerful to have clear goals, and when you set those goals in a connected state, it is expansive.

As many of you know, I am a fan of my own Clarity Meditation to connect with what is possible. Even if you have done it before, I invite you to do it again and be lead to all the actions that can take you to a life beyond your wildest dreams…

Have a journal nearby, turn down your lights, possibly close your eyes, press play, and go IN…




This is where the miracles happen!

What will we do in this workshop?

In this workshop, we use guided reiki, breathwork, journaling and Kundalini meditation to tap in to this energy.

How long is the workshop?

About an hour, broken up into different sections.

Is the workshop live?

No, it is prerecorded and you will have it in this portal on or before December 12th.

What do I need?

All you need is privacy, a journal and good wifi.

You might want a meditation cushion, a candle and something to cover your eyes (all optional).

What if I can't do it on the New Moon?

No worries, we have the energy of the New Moon for a few days before and after. You also have the opportunity to repeat the whole or any part of the workshop through the next Full Moon

What if I can't do it all at once?

It is conveniently broken up into sections so you can make the experience suit your schedule.

Can I repeat the meditations or only do it on the New Moon?

You can absolutely repeat some or all of the workshop as many times as you want.

How long do I have access to the workshop?

You have access until January 28th, 2021.

What if I have technical problems?

All technical problems will be handled through

Can I return it?

No, there are no refunds or exchanges.

If a workshop isn’t your speed, but you still want to connect with the Moon, check out the numerous FREE meditations at the link below. Even if they are written for a different moon, you can do the meditation ANY time!

jamie graber