A Meditation for the New Year
Entering 2021 feels quite different than any January 1st we have had. As we look back on last New Years Day, we realize how much can change in a year. It can really shift our perspective on what we once called New Year’s resolutions…And to be honest, I never really was a fan of resolutions. It felt restrictive and tight as opposed to free and expanding. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want to be intentional with the direction of our lives.
There is a version of us that knows we can be all that we dream of, yet we often get trapped in our old habits and stories and allow ourselves to become more distant from that version of ourselves. There is a part of each of us that believes all is possible. There is often a small whisper in all of us that says, I too can live a life beyond my wildest dreams. The problem is we spend so much time in the belief that it can’t and we drown out that voice.
I truly believe that if we can get more familiar with how that version of us feels, how that version of us shows up in life, we can allow that whisper to become louder and stay more connected to our endless possibilities. When we are more connected to that version, we are able to take action steps that line up with it. These actions feel aligned. We feel open and expanded as opposed to tight and constricted.
As many of you you know, I am a big fan of rituals. Taking these moments to get intentional with my life helps me to create a life filled with the things I want, instead of repeating old things I don’t. The following meditation is great for the beginning of the month, new moons, and birthdays…Basically, it is a great intention setting meditation…
During these times of creation, I make sure to take extra time to get quiet and set some goals for myself. I find that I can get a lot of answers to what I want and what I need to do when I get curious during meditation. The answers I receive during these mediations, lead me to aligned actions. They help me take steps that feel inflow, rather than forced.
I recorded a guided mediation, that I listen to often, (I know it is a little weird that I listen to myself), but I find that it helps put me in the direction I want to go. This particular meditation is working with your future self, the version of you that you want for yourself. We are often trying to manifest a certain life, but our old patterns keep us trapped and repeating our old frustrations and we can feel as if we are never getting anywhere.. You can change that!
We are often acting from our old patterning, and from our habits. When we actively use our imagination to change the pattern, after time, a new habit can be formed. I have found that consistently going into meditation with the version of myself that I know I can be, is one of the quickest ways to create a new pattern and experience the changed me.
I wanted to share it with you and I hope it gives you the clarity and inspiration it gives me. Enjoy!
Clarity is the most important thing. I can compare clarity to pruning in gardening. You know, you need to be clear. If you are not clear, nothing is going to happen. You have to be clear. Then you have to be confident about your vision. And after that, you just have to put a lot of work in.
Diane Von Furstenberg
Image A Wild Dove
Get yourself into a quiet, dark place, possibly grab an eye pillow. Light a candle, maybe incense, and have your journal and pen nearby. Then when you are ready, press play on the recording below!
The guided meditation will take you into a deep mediation and has prompts to help you go deep inside and get clear.