New Moon in Aries

Today we entered the New Moon in Aries. It is the first sign of the zodiac and a very powerful Moon to set intentions with. We are in very intense times right now and it might be difficult to even think about setting intentions, but it is actually a beautiful time to do so.

As with everything there are good and bad things that come with the virus. We have incredible challenges along with powerful gifts. One of the gifts that many of us are receiving is the gift of time. The time to slow down and get really quiet. The speed at which most of us live is so fast, we are rarely in a place of conscious choice. Our life goes by, and many of us are just along for the ride rather than creating the life we want.

Many of my clients are having a hard time getting to a future self outside of this time, and that is ok. You can take your time to get there. You can focus on how you want to feel tomorrow and be lead to actions that can get you there.

The fiery nature of Aries is asking us to dig into our passion. It is asking us to use our inner warrior to create whatever it is that lights us up. Whatever you are feeling right now, wheater it is fear, anger, gratitude, etc, use it fuel the fire of your dreams. We are being given this rare opportunity to get truly quiet and go inside. We can take this time to truly know what it is that we want to create, and how we want to be. Use this time to plant the seeds of your future. As you get clear you will be lead to small aligned actions that can take you to a place or feeling you want to experience.

Allow yourself to tune into your true self and what is coming up for you. What do you actually want to create? What is stirring inside of you that you are ready to give birth to and create? What seeds are you looking to plant so that they can start to grow? What are things you can do that can start to water those seeds?

New Moons are wonderful times to set intentions. For me, the New Moon is a time to get even quieter, to meditate more, to really go within and see what is there. During this time, the subconscious mind is more open to connect with and show us what we truly desire, and what aligned steps we can take to get there. It is then that our actions become aligned with our authentic selves, rather than our fear-based self. This is where the miracles happen!

During different phases of the Moon, different parts of our subconscious beliefs are more present. We have more access to these “unseen” parts. The New Moon is also about beginnings. This New Moon in Aries is about creating something that you truly passionate about. Tapping into your intuition to create from a place of trust. It is a great time to start planting seeds, and the more you listen the more you will hear how to feed them.

I recorded a guided mediation, that I listen to often, (I know it is a little weird that I listen to myself), but I find that it helps put me in the direction I want to go. This particular meditation is working with your future self, the version of you that you want for yourself. We are often trying to manifest a certain life, but our old patterns keep us trapped and repeating our old frustrations and we can feel as if we are never getting anywhere.. You can change that!

We are often acting from our old patterning, and from our habits. When we actively use our imagination to change the pattern, after time, a new habit can be formed. I have found that consistently going into meditation with the version of myself that I know I can be, is one of the quickest ways to create the new pattern and experience the changed me. I wanted to share it with you and I hope it gives you the clarity and inspiration it gives me. Enjoy!


Get yourself into a quiet, dark place, possibly grab an eye pillow. Light a candle, maybe incense, and have your journal and pen nearby. Then when you are ready, press play on the recording below!

The guided meditation will take you into a deep mediation and has prompts to help you go deep inside and get clear.

I have also created a post that has other Breathwork and Kundalini meditations that I will continue to add to it. These are designed to help you calm your nervous system and create strength so that you can sit with whatever is coming up for you.

Meditations to Calm Your Nervous System