Full Moon In Libra - 40 Day Practice
Image from Firstpost.com
Please note, while it is great to do this with the Full Moon, you can really start ANYTIME, so don't make excuses why you can't start TODAY!
“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.
The focus of tonight's Full Moon in Libra is about communication, balance, and relationships. It is the relationship with ourselves, our word and with others around us. With everything that is happening right now, most of us are spending more time with ourselves than we have in the past. We are also becoming even more aware of how connected we all actually are.
In times of fear and uncertainty, we can often find ourselves in even more judgment of others and of ourselves. I know that I can have moments where my inner voice is having lots of negative things to say! Usually, when that voice is out of wack, I notice that my outer voice can be less than kind to myself and others. When that is happening it's as if I can literally feel a block in my chakras through my heart and my throat.
For tonight's Full Moon, I wanted to share the 40-day meditation that I started doing with my group coaching clients at the beginning of March. It is the Antar Naad Mudra meditation. This meditation has a special meaning for me, as it was my first 40 day 31 minute personal Sadhana. It is considered a seed mantra, and helps to open the chakras so that the other mantras can be received in full effect. Yogi Bhajan said, anyone who practices this meditation will be granted prosperity, creativity, and protection against attacks. That includes self attacks and you attacking others.
I will still clear and charge my crystals with the Full Moon, and you can check out THIS POST if you want a great journaling and crystal clearing exercise. If you haven't gone through it yet, I truly suggest you do, it is about letting go of habits.
OK, back to Antar Naad Mudra. There will be the one we do tonight, and you will see me explain it on the video below, and then starting tomorrow night, you continue to the same playlist, but you change from swooping through the chakras, to instead sitting with your hands in buddhi mudra. See the instructions below.
Antar Naad Mudra for Full Moon
Playlist HERE- Start tuning in with the GONG, then let the mantra play a few times while you are just doing the movement, then move into chanting along.
Always starting with Tuning IN (if you need help use the audio below)
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo 3 times
I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within
Ad Guray Nameh Jugad Guray Nameh Sat Guray Nameh Siri Guru Devay Nameh 3 times
I bow to the primal wisdom. I bow to the wisdom through the ages.
I bow to the true wisdom.I bow to the great unseen wisdom.
This version will only be practiced on the FULL MOON.
If you are starting this on a night that is not a full moon, please start with the latter version.
This version of the meditation is a key to opening the flow of Kundalini. The new awareness will give you the authority to make the right choices to conquer the ugliness of life. You will be peaceful and secure.
Sa Ray Sa Sa, Sa Ray Sa Sa, Sa Ray Sa Sa, Sa Rang Har Ray Har Har, Har Ray Har Har, Har Ray Har Har, Har Rang: Adversity melts before this mantra. This mantra takes away negativity from within oneself awakening the Infinite Creative energy to burn away obstacles to achieving higher consciousness. It gives you the capacity of effective communication so your words contain mastery and impact. This mantra helps you conquer the wisdom of the past, present, and future. It brings you peace and prosperity even if it wasn’t in your destiny.
Mudra and Movement: Put the hands flat together in Prayer Pose at the Navel Point.
As the mantra starts with Sa Ray Sa Sa start to bring the palms up the center front of the torso, about 4·6 inches in front of the body.
As you pass the Heart Center, begin to open the hand mudra to make an open lotus by the time the hands reach the level of the Brow Point.
The open lotus has the base of the palms together. The little fingertips touch, the thumb tips touch, and the rest of the fingers are spread open.
As the mantra begins Har Ray Har Har turn the fingers to point down, with the back of the hands touching.
It is a reverse Prayer Pose. Slowly bring this mudra down the chakras in rhythm with the music until the fingertips reach the Navel Point on the sounds Har Rang. Then turn them around and begin again. (adapted from 3ho.org)
The Rest of the 40 Days
Please start here if you are starting this on a night that is not a full moon.
Playlist HERE- Start tuning in with the GONG, then let the mantra play a few times while you are just doing the movement, then move into chanting along.
Always starting with Tuning IN (if you need help, use the audio file above)
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo 3 times
I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within
Ad Guray Nameh Jugad Guray Nameh Sat Guray Nameh Siri Guru Devay Nameh 3 times
I bow to the primal wisdom. I bow to the wisdom through the ages.
I bow to the true wisdom.I bow to the great unseen wisdom.
Posture: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.
Mudra for the remaining days of the meditation
Mudra: Keep the spine straight. Let the arms extend straight and rest over the knees. Make Buddhi Mudra with both hands (touch the thumb tips to the tips of the little fingers). The other fingers are relaxed but straight. Become completely still, physically and mentally, like a calm ocean.
(adapted from 3ho.org)
Please let me know how it goes!