Learning to Love Your Body [VIDEO INSIDE]
Photo Wendy Yalom
I’ve spoken openly and freely about the struggles I’ve had with eating disorders in the past.
It was a battle that nearly killed me, but it also ended up introducing me to the tools that would eventually save me, and that I would build a beautiful life around.
Our relationship with our physical body is one of the most complex there is.
We all have our own specific challenges, and - of all the relationships we have - the one with our body is one of the most important to work on.
What’s important to remember is that each of us has our own unique relationship with our own unique body.
And in the way that there’s no blueprint for what our body is supposed to look like, there’s also no blueprint for what that relationship is supposed to look like.
A lot of us look to social media for answers on body positivity, or what a healthy body should look like, and all we find is shame and more questions.
Because it’s not a one size fits all kind of thing.
And it doesn’t make space for the fact that our relationship with our body - like all other relationships - has different seasons, and different moments within those seasons.
I am so much better now, and have such a beautiful relationship with food and exercise.
I am in awe of my body and what it is capable of doing and creating.
AND I still sometimes have hard days.
On the hard days, I know that I have to choose the better thought, and commit to it even when it’s difficult to fully get behind.
I remind myself that I am so much more than my body and my size, and I use my practice and mindfulness tools to help move me past the challenging moments.
So if today is one of those hard days for you…or if tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day is, please know:
It’s okay to struggle, and it can (and will) get better.
One of the reasons I am so endlessly passionate about the work I do and the tools I offer is because it offers an anchor into the truth of how amazing we all are.
It provides a doorway into truly loving our bodies in all their different seasons, and gives us access to a world of freedom we never thought possible before.
It is my great honor to share these tools with you in the How To Love Your Body module of Relationships: The Master Class.
Because here’s the thing: even when our initial feeling is one thing, that doesn’t mean we can’t learn to see it from another perspective.
One that feels good, even in the face of disagreement, disappointment and conflict.
We can learn the tools to navigate all of our relationships from a center that supports ourselves, as well as the people around us.
And those tools will be what makes the difference between surviving and thriving…because once we figure out how to do it in one dynamic, we can apply it to all of them, even the more challenging ones.
The Truth is:
The secret to having good relationships is YOU.
How you show up for yourself AND how you show up for your people.
And the stories you tell yourself about your dynamics and connection.
Because let’s face it: relationships can be hard.
But they don’t have to be.
And that’s why I created:
Relationships: The Master ClassI
In it, I give you the tools you need to not only connect with the relationships in your life, but do what it takes to make them incredible.
A healthy relationship can be the most powerful container for growth and healing that you will ever have.
But you have to consciously show up for it.
Relationships: The Master Class is a seven module course that teaches you how to create masterful relationships in every facet of your life.
Here's How It Works:
Every week, for six weeks, you will receive a new pre-recorded module in your portal.
Modules are:
How To Show Up For The Relationships You Want (open NOW)
How To Be Courageous In Your Relationships (opens a week later)
How To Stay True To You In Relationships (opens a week later)
How To Resolve Conflict In Your Relationships (opens a week later)
How To Love Yourself (opens a week later)
How To Love Your Body (opens a week later)
In November 2022, the seventh module "Surviving Family & Holidays" will be recorded and it will be added to your portal.
Each module includes a lecture, class notes, a guided reiki bath and homework to work on until the next module is released.
A very special relationship meditation practice is given to you at the start of the course to help you integrate what you learn throughout the course.
You will have access to the Master Class for one year from the date of your purchase.