A Kundalini Gratitude Meditation

Happy 2020! I just wanted to give you a quick Kundalini Meditation for the New Year that focuses on gratitude I have been doing it the past few days and I really love it, so I wanted to share it with you. If you feel called, maybe do it for the next 40 days.

There is an opportunity for you to journal at the end, so have a pen and your journal near by.

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Posture: Sit in a comfortable posture, with a straight spine and neck.

Mudra: Cup your hands together as if you are gathering water from a stream and in this position, place them approximately 6 inches in front of your heart center. Relax your arms at your side and feel every other part of your body relaxing and releasing.

Eyes and Mental Focus: In this posture, simply sit with your eyes closed (or almost closed) and visualize all the blessings of your life falling into your cupped hands.

Breath: Breathe deeply and feel yourself merging with the light of all of those blessings.

Time: Continue for 3, 11 or 31 minutes (or however long it feels comfortable to do so).

If you enjoy all my Meditations + Rituals, please join me for my Private/Group Coaching starting in January.

And yes, it comes with a PRIVATE ONE ON ONE

Get the support, tools, and the guidance to MAKE a new, empowering story your reality...before the year’s even over.

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