Full Moon in Virgo [Journal Prompt + Playlist]
The Full Moon is the perfect time for reflection. Go in and go in deep...Release.
Photo by Tony Detroit
Please note, while it is great to do this with the Full Moon, you can really start ANYTIME, so don't make excuses why you can't start TODAY!
As always, a full moon in a great time of releasing. It is a time of closure and completion. This particular full moon is in Virgo. “Virgo rules the sixth house, which is related to details, work, routines, and structure. Virgo is also the Mutable sign of the Earth signs, and thus very grounded, flexible, an all-around good kind of friend, brother, sister, lover, employee, or anything really. Virgo is the one you are calling when your tire is flat. Virgo loves to help out with the little responsible details of life. A Virgo Full Moon is going to bring details and routines and structures and schedules and work to a point of completion or fulfillment.” (https://astrologyanswers.com)
With the productive energy you have with Virgo, it is also a good time to get stuff done. You have the added support of focus and dedication to details. Often when we are trying to start something new, we allow the overthinking to stop us. I know that happens to me. This is the perfection of Virgo holding us back. Let’s take this opportunity to look at where we have been overthinking and release it with this full moon. It is a super moon as well, which means the light will be shining even brighter on the things you might have been trying to ignore.
I for one am already feeling the pull of this full moon. I am finding it difficult to sleep, as I am filled with energy and excitement for the things I have been thinking about, but haven’t yet put the peddle to the metal. I am going to take advantage of this special full moon to create the things I have been thinking about, but have been overthinking about and therefore haven’t started yet.
Full Moon Ritual
I'm going to start by creating a sacred space. For me, that is by my Altar, with all my crystals, which many of you might have already seen on this Instagram Post . I will light incense and a candle and play:
Aad Guray Nameh : LISTEN HERE
It is a very powerful mantra used for protection, to gain clarity, and to receive guidance from one’s highest Self. This mantra creates a protective field of energy around the person chanting, attracting abundance to them helping them live out their destiny.
“When you cannot be protected, this mantra shall protect you. When things stop, and won’t move, this makes them move in your direction." Yogi Bhajan
Listen to the song above, and almost like a meditation, journal out all of your feelings, … The Full moon is when things are illuminated and you can see the patterns you are repeating. The things that are repetitively holding you back from creating all that you want.
Your crystals and a candle should be out while you are doing all of this. Then when you are ready, take each crystal and sage it Let the smoke move all around it. While you are saging, tap into the feeling of how good it will be to let these old stories go. How great would it be to not have to carry that old pain around with you. Feel yourself letting go of the things that are no longer serving you. When you are done, place your crystals outside, if possible under the moonlight. If not, then by a window…
When you are done, start saging yourself. Start at your feet and swirl in the smoke of the sage. Releasing it all. Possibly saying out loud to yourself:
I am releasing my habits of the past, I am releasing my patterns of the past, I am releasing my overthinking. Repeating it slowly and feeling yourself release as you let the smoke cover your energy. End at the crown , above the head.
“ You’re transforming old patterns of your mind and letting go of thoughts you don’t need to have around any longer. ”
Now, some people will burn the journal entry, some will rip it up and soak it in water, some people flush it, and some people keep it. Do what feels best for you...I will be burning mine(be very careful if you choose this one)...
I like to let my crystals sit out for a minimum of 24 hours…When you take them back in, they will have the power of you letting go. They will have released what you put into them.
Above, is just what I do, but feel free to tweak it and make it your own. Tap into what feels good for you.
Please note, the energy of the full moon is not just on the actual full moon, so if you can't do it tonight, don't you fret, you have 3 days before and after...
Enjoy...Drop me a line and let me know, how it went. I would love to hear from you!