Using the Energy of the Full Moon in Virgo
Please note, while it is great to do this with the Full Moon, you can really start ANYTIME, so don't make excuses why you can't start TODAY!
Wow, how are we already at the end of February our third Full moon of 2018? As I have said before, I am not an astrologer, but I am very connected to the moon cycles, and the more I pay attention, the more things start to flow. When you do rituals with the moon cycles, you have the pull of the sky on your side. This month with Virgo, we can get a lot of cleaning done. It is a time for getting honest with yourself and taking action.
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” John C. Maxwell
The full moon in Virgo is all about processing and analysis and those really habitual things. Virgo is a sign that’s concerned with what we do day to day. This particular full moon is a really great time to clear up what it is that you're willing to let go of, so that you can be more whole in your life. So that you can get out of your own way. (taken from Jessica Lanyadoo,)
Our habits and why we choose them, have been coming up lot in classes I am taking, articles I am reading and with clients in our sessions. It is an interesting topic to ponder...Why do we do certain things? It is because someone in our family did them, something we see on social media, or a choice that we are making truly for us?
Image A Wild Dove
So, for this full moon, I invite you to take some time and really journal out your daily habits. Sitting by your Altar, or a place where you have privacy, get out your crystals, light your candle and incense and begin. Play this Playlist Here Use two different pages, and free flowingly write out your habits. Without over thinking it, put them on either side A, that is for things that are positive actions and choices, like daily meditation and then column B for things that don't really serve you and that you do out of routine, somewhat robotic.
When you're done, pick a minimum of 3 on each page, side A, the ones you commit to doing until the next Full Moon, and side B, the ones you commit to letting go, at least until the next full moon. On another page, rewrite the ones you will let go of, saying out loud, I will release...making room for things that help to serve me. While you are saying this, you can light your palo santo or sage, and start cleansing your crystals. When you finish, write out the actions you are committing to keeping daily, and say out loud, I am committed to doing ... daily knowing that this will help me live the life I know I am capable of living. Then, place your crystals outside or by a window for a minimum of 24 hours.
For this entry, I won't burn or though away the journal entry, as I may get inspired to revisit and add more habits to release throughout the month. It will also be a nice thing to look back on for the next Full Moon...
Mantra is: Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa Sa Rung, Har Re Har Har, Har Re Har Har, Har Re Har Har Har Rung
That Infinite Totality is here, everywhere. That creativity of God is here, everywhere.
Adversity melts before this mantra. This mantra takes away negativity from within oneself awakening the Infinite Creative energy to burn away obstacles to achieving higher consciousness.
Sa is the Infinite, the Totality, God. It is the element of ether. It is the origin, the beginning, and it contains all other effects. It is subtle and beyond. Har is the creativity of the Earth. It is the dense element, the power of manifestation, the tangible, the personal. These sounds are woven together and then projected through the sound of ung or complete Totality. This is the base mantra of all mantras.
It gives you the capacity of effective communication so your words contain mastery and impact. This mantra helps you conquer the wisdom of the past, present, and future. It brings you peace and prosperity even if it wasn’t in your destiny. (Taken from 3HO )
Please let me know how it goes!
If you’re ready to really go after your goals and want a little extra help, I would love to see you in New York City in person, or virtually anywhere Schedule a time here. Looking forward to connecting!