Organically, Jamie mind shifter + energy mover

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Full Moon in Cancer- Lunar Eclipse

I don’t know about you, but this year has started off pretty intense. For myself and almost all of my clients, there has been a general theme of overwhelm with this new year starting. A feeling of exhaustion of “having to do it all over again”, not wanting to mess up this “clean” slate. A huge sense of wanting it to be different, almost not being able to see what the goals are because it is so vastly different than what is current.

While I am not an astrologer, when I notice such a trend in my clients, I like to look at the planets and see what is happening. And let me tell you- there is A LOT! I believe that we have free will and are in control of our lives, AND I also believe we are ruled by the cosmos and when we tap into what is happening astrologically we can have guidance and clarity.

As many of you are aware, we are about to move int the Full Moon in Cancer- Lunar Eclipse. The energy of the Full Moon is often thought of as shining a light on what is hidden within us. This is the shadow we are often hearing so much about. The stuff that is not on the surface. The light of the moon shines on all the things that we often don’t want to look at.

During different phases of the Moon, different parts of our subconscious beliefs are more present. We have more access to these “unseen” parts. The Full Moon is also about completions and endings. The Lunar eclipse amplifies this and moves with us for 6 months. This makes it a perfect time to really work on our shadow.

During the Full Moon, the moon is in one sign and the Sun is in the opposing sign. We want to work with both of these energies. So we are working with The Full Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn. These are two somewhat opposing energies. We have the watery, emotional, compassionate Cancer battling with the Capricorn “get it done” sun.

As with everything, there are positive and negative aspects of each sign. The Full Moon in Cancer in its’ highest vibration is nurturing and supportive, filled with Goddess energy. It can inspire us to be more open and compassionate, towards ourselves and others. The earthy Capricorn is more about structure, grounded energy, productivity, and practicality.

A lot of your old fear-based thinking might be coming up for you. It might be really loud (thank you Saturn, Pluto and Mercury). All the self-doubt, all the feelings of being unworthy, There might be a particular story that is getting really loud for you right now. This story is possibly what is holding you back. What would it be like to finally put that story to rest and start your new one? This is where we can work with the planets to make movement in our lives.

We can sit with our emotions, feel them. Allow that old story to play out, and then question it. Look for guidance from that. With the awareness we gain, we can take from it the lessons we need, honor it and then release it. When it is released we leave room for something completely new to show up. This is filled with endless possibilities that can be created from the version of us that no longer clings to that old story.

For me 2020, is all about creating more, being of more service, helping myself and others heal. This means showing up differently. Many of you might be used to my monthly New Moon and Full Moon rituals I have here, but this year I will be offering Virtual Workshops for these events…Some live, some prerecorded.

With all of this powerful energy in the sky, let’s use it to help let go of whatever it is that is no longer serving us.





***If you are signing up for or are already in


don’t buy this, because

 it is already included in

Shift Your Consciousness***

And guess what- The workshop is already included in the group coaching!


If you’re ready to unblock and release patterns that have been holding you back and want a little extra guidance, join my 2020 group coaching.

The perfect blend of personal and group coaching.

If you want complete individual attention, I would love to see you in New York City in person, or virtually anywhere Schedule a time here. 

Looking forward to connecting!