For many years, anxiety was a part of my daily reality. I woke up in a panic and went to bed feeling completely drained from stress and fear. It wasn’t necessarily screaming all day, but there was often a quiet whisper of unease.
My anxiety showed up in may areas of my life, from my relationship to food, to my business. On my best days, it was a slight whisper. And on my worst days, I could barely get out of bed.
I know I’m not alone in this.
You’ve probably experienced anxiety too…the sense of uncontrollable, panicked, intense worry. The racing heartbeat, the pressure inside your ribcage, the shortness of breath, the racing of fearful thoughts.
For many of us, anxiety is situational—it’s caused by a circumstance, environment, or person in our life. Recently, for me, it was my family. For you, it might be something else. Maybe it’s your job. Maybe it’s a social situation. Maybe it's dating. Maybe it’s something that triggers insecurity, like scrolling though social media or dating apps, or going to an event where you won't know a lot of people. No matter what it is, that trigger can feel paralyzing and it's helpful to have tools to get yourself back to a headspace of calm.
When I work with my one-on-one clients, they often share similar experience. It seems as if there’s an area in everyone’s life that brings up anxiety, fear, and dread.
There are difficult situations in all of our lives—it’s part of the human experience..
You don’t have to wait until your circumstances change for your experience to change. And while I always encourage people to seek to bring about change so that their lives are not filled with anxiety, it’s crucial to find a way to move through anxiety and choose peace in the midst of your difficult situation.
So, join me on
March 24th for a Kundalini Workshop
that will give you tools to
Breathe It Out
Freeing Yourself from Anxiety and
Stepping into Ease.
When we gather , we amplify the power of our intentions. This event is an opportunity to engage in a nurturing community, aligned with the same goals, to remind you that you are not alone. It will be an evening to let go.
You can expect: A conversation + Breathwork + Kundalini Kriyas and Meditations. You will leave with your own Crystals from Rock Your Worth, The most delicious chocolate from Freaky Health Chocolate and a new community of like minded friends.
Bring your own Yoga mat, or there will be mats available to rent through the studio.