Writing The Right Kind Of Intentions: A How To

Hi Jamie!

As we are approaching the New Year, the same thing is on everyone’s mind: resolutions.

If you’ve been following along, that's one of my superpowers.

In fact, setting the right kind of intentions are a huge part of why my manifestation powers have proven to be incredible.

But I don’t just sit back and *resolution* my way into the life I live.

I am intentional with the creation and the nurturing of my life.

I am committed to relentlessly participating in creating the life of my dreams.

So I’m going to give you a little insight into my intention setting process to help you supercharge your New Year's Resolutions.

Especially because every year around this time, I notice a pattern.

This pattern has the potential to disrupt and reverse the efforts we put into making progress towards the life of our dreams.

It’s the tendency we all have to create New Year resolutions that don’t reflect what we *really* want, or to overwhelm ourselves with waaaaaay too many things on our "to-do" lists.

And before you say, "oh, that won’t happen to me," let me assure you - it happens to all of us.

But it doesn’t have to.

To help you avoid falling into that trap, I’m going to give you some journaling prompts to do before you sit down with your New Year’s resolutions.

These prompts will help you get clear on what it is you really want, as well as help set you up for a powerful 2023.

All you need is a piece of paper, a pen and a quiet place to gather your thoughts.

Once you’re ready, journal answer the following questions:

  1. Think of the greatest, most successful and happy version of yourself. Who is he/she? What do you do? How do you spend your time? What makes you happy? What habits do you keep?

  2. What would you need to add to your life now to become that person?

  3. What would you need to remove from your life now to become that person?

  4. How can you set yourself up for the life you consciously want to create?

Once you finish these prompts, you’ll be ready to write out your intentions…and actually know what to do to make them happen.

Because we’ve all done the same thing: we start the New Year with lots of big dreams, but not a lot of plans to make those dreams come true.

And then we get frustrated or step out of trust when results don’t appear immediately.

The recurring fear is this: What if it doesn’t work?

Here is what I've learned to be true:

It is safe to dream big, AND it is important to pull it back in and take the small earthly actions that will actually get you to those big dreams.

I deeply believe that life does not happen to us unless we let it.

One of my mantras is: "You must participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your dreams."

This means committing to what’s real and true for you, and staying committed - even if it feels like the world wants you to do or be something else.

And if you feel wobbly and nervous that you’ll fall into the same old patterns and behaviors and you won’t follow through, I’d love to invite you into my group coaching program SHIFT.

SHIFT is THE program that helps you take your life from good to great.

It keeps you in the conversation of growth all year long, and it offers you an incredible community of like-minded women who are on the same path, and ready to cheer you on.

This formula helps you override all of your old tendencies to fall off the wagon and not get back up.

And it sets you up for success that exceeds even your wildest dreams.

Join me in making 2023 the best year of your life so far.

Holding space for you always,

If you’re wanting to tap into my process of getting clear on what it is you really want, check out my FREE clarity meditation here.

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