Winter Solstice Reiki Meditation for Clearing

As we enter upon the Winter Solstice (for us in the Northern Hemisphere), the longest night of the year, we have a great opportunity to release and create. As we sit in the darkness it is an opportunity to truly reflect on the past year.

Falling so close to the last Full Moon of the year, it is asking us to release. Release what we are truly ready to leave behind in 2021.

This is an incredible opportunity for healing so I wanted to offer you a reiki bath, to help you bring up what you are ready to release and then to replace it with healing, love, and acceptance...Think of it as a mini Energy Session. It is filled with Reiki + Sound + Guidance + Healing. Reiki energy healing can move time and space, so you will feel it, even though you are not with me at the time I recorded it for you. Please note if you are pregnant, just do long deep breaths for the mediation.

See what is coming up for you.

What is it that you want to release?

What is it that you need to let go of in order to move closer to being comfortable being you.?

How would it feel knowing that all you need to be is YOU?

What would you be doing if you were connected to the real you, the you that remembers the miracle you are…?

I hope you enjoy it and feel some release and inspiration.

If you feel called, create a sacred space for yourself, light your incense + candle, take out your crystals.  Start by clearing your crystals with Sage or Palo Santo. I created this Playlist for the journaling. It is the perfect energy for what this time is bringing up. 

Once you have completed the journal portion, you are ready for the reiki session.  I hope you enjoy it and feel some release and inspiration. 

This meditation can be done at any time, not just for the Winter Solstice.  Healing and releasing is amplified during this time. You will have extra help for the next few days.

If you’re looking to create a life filled with Purpose, Passion and Clarity, and want a little support, join my intimate group coaching,


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