Tips to Get You Grounded
Photo Wendy Yalom
"How can I manage my anxiety without overhauling my entire life?"
That’s one of the most common questions I get asked in my DM’s.
This is a great question, because it tells me several things:
Almost everyone has anxiety
Almost everyone knows there’s something they can do to make it better
Almost everyone has some resistance to doing what they need to do to change their anxiety situation
One of the main blocks we have to shifting our anxiety story is not knowing where or how to start.
Even though anxiety is a phenomenon of the mind, we feel it in our bodies, so it can be consuming and overwhelming.
This often translates into a kind of paralysis when trying to create change.
Here’s the thing: we aren’t looking to never have anxious thoughts.
We are looking to have tools to manage those thoughts.
When the task goes from "eradicating anxiety" to "learning new skills", it becomes a lot easier to show up for it.
And then, it becomes a lot easier to shift.
In the first module "How To Get And Stay Grounded", we start with the foundations.
We get clear on what anxiety is and where it comes from.
Then we look at all the things in our everyday life that can create or relieve anxiety:
Food & Drink
Getting clear on what works and what doesn’t work - which is unique to each of us - is so important.
And from there, we can start layering in calming practices.
When we finally start to relax, we develop a relationship with our parasympathetic nervous system (the rest & digest function).
And we begin to differentiate ourselves from the experience of anxiety and start to understand what it is trying to tell us.
Because here’s the truth: a lot of managing anxiety means changing our relationship with it.
We go deep into how to do that in Find Your Calm, my new course that helps you go from spin to still in four weeks.
I offer you ALL of the wisdom I’ve acquired over the years, the tools I use and teach to shift the experience, and personal anecdotes that remind you that you’re not alone.
Join me in Find Your Calm, and learn how to manage your anxiety without changing your entire life.
And as a special bonus, you will receive #SHIFTING with Kirtan Kriya ($339 value) for free when you enroll in Find Your Calm.
#SHIFTING with Kirtan Kriya is the perfect complement to Find Your Calm, and it will take you on a journey of tapping into your divine wisdom to shift into the life of your dreams.