The Vortex...

In the years that I’ve been coaching, the question I’m most often asked is “what is the point of meditation and how do we know that it works?” 

It’s difficult to answer in a concrete way, but a good start is that you are able to maintain peace, even when things are going “horrifically wrong.”

And recently I had a perfect opportunity to experience just that.  

If you’ve been following along, you know I am in the process of selling my current apartment and finding my next home.

Where we are now works, but we have outgrown it and are ready for a new chapter in our lives, as a family.

In my group coaching program SHIFT (currently $3500 off), we started this meditation I call “The Vortex of Delusion”, where each day, we carve out time and drop into limitless possibilities. We make the impossible become normal, and then we are lead to moves that we need to make to make it happen in the 2D. 

And so I took living in a big beautiful apartment into the Vortex to see where it could take me.  

In it, I had a powerful moment of recognition that the time to move was now, and waiting another year just wasn’t the option. 

And so, just like that, we pocket listed our apartment. 

And in the blink of an eye, we got an offer. An easy offer to say yes to. 

And then we put an offer on a dream apartment I have been stalking in real life and in the vortex. 

And it was accepted.

I had to pinch myself because everything happened so fast, and so easily.


My realtor called to let me know there was a problem.

As many of you know, often an accepted offer is not the end of the story..,

The buyers of my apartment were threatening to pull out. 

Everything came to a screeching halt. Instead of the easy energy I was looking for, we were hit with the word litigation. And the only people who like that word are the litigators. 

It was one of those experiences that has the potential to throw anyone into a complete tailspin. 

Running down storylines as to how we don’t why go move, everything is ruined…nothing ever works out…

But I knew that wasn’t my story.  So every single day, I would drop into The Vortex and be reminded of all the possibilities that still existed in the situation.

Reminding me that this is one of many ways I get to be in my beautiful apartment - not the only way. 

In fact, the “harder” the situation got, the more I leaned into the magic of The Vortex. 

And in it I found myself anchored in trust, and very calm throughout the entire ordeal.

Honestly, even I was surprised by how I navigated the drama of my entire future being thrown into uncertainty.

Of course, I had moments of doubt and despair, but they were fast and fleeting.

Because of my daily practice, I have cultivated the seemingly effortless ability to see everything along a larger timeline and to stay connected to the divine plan playing out, even when it feels like it’s not. 

And within a few weeks, we came to a happy solution with the buyer and are about to close. 

And with that annoying snafu, came a beautiful gift. 

I was so fixated on the apartment  I was stalking that I didn’t consider other possibilities. And this pause allowed me to slow down and open up to other possibilities. 

And while we are still uncertain as to where we end up, I am certain that it all works out. Better than we can even imagine. 

Stay tuned…

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