5 Ways to Shift

Okay, so by now you’ve heard that my group coaching program SHIFT is open for 2024.


This will be the ONLY way to work with me this coming year (unless you’re a private client), so if you’ve been working on manifesting a different life for yourself, consider this your golden opportunity.


Because I don’t just teach this work, I also live it.


And since I live it, I understand how and why things come up along the way to make our manifesting journeys challenging, but also how to overcome them.


Here are the main reasons people aren’t yet living the life of their dreams:


We don’t understand manifestation. Yes, it’s as simple as that. “Manifestation” has been distorted by social media and reduced to vision boards and toxic positivity. And so when what we’re trying to create doesn’t magically materialize, often we internalize that and think something is wrong with us, or that what we want isn’t meant for us. When really, all that’s happening is the very natural (rocky) process of manifestation itself.


It’s not a straight line or magical formula, because it’s not meant to be. The journey itself can be enjoyed, and once you understand what manifesting actually means, the entire experience can be magic.


In Pillar One of SHIFT, we dive deep into all of this, and help you unlearn all the junk you have picked up from the apps.


Our nervous systems are fried. The world keeps us in a constant state of fight, flight, freeze and fawn. Whether it’s expressed as frustration, avoidance, stuckness or people pleasing, the results are the same: a false belief that what you want doesn’t also want you, and no energy to change it, let alone work towards your goals.


This is when you understand how meditation is your best friend, because it’s your biggest ally in reprogramming your subconscious mind and getting you out of sympathetic dominance.


Pillar Two of SHIFT teaches you how to support yourself and your life in a way that promotes the rest and digest function, which enables you to learn and focus and get curious about the world around you, which means that you have the energy to get yourself into a new and improved world.


Our relationship with ourselves and the world is skewed. When you see yourself as the victim, or think everyone is out to get you, or are pre-occupied with self-criticism, you are blind to the flow of abundance and goodness trying to come to you. You can be so blinded by your stories that you are unable to see where you show up as the problem, which - believe it or not - is the most empowering thing you can do when manifesting.


Because you can shift your perspective and change your stuff.


And when you do that, the flow begins to flow.


This is why we focus on optimizing our relationships in Pillar Three.


Manifesting is a relationship, too.


We don’t believe we can have it, or we don’t believe we can keep it. Once you figure out the subtle nuances of the nervous system and how to relate to it, you realize manifesting is easy. Things start happening faster, with more precision and sometimes by surprise.


But…something keeps happening to sabotage your efforts.


This is usually rooted back in the subconscious mind, and requires the agility to shift into your Future Self.


What’s your Future Self? Pillar Four of SHIFT teaches you all of the nuances of this powerful mindset, and also guides you there, and helps to keep you there.


We don’t embody our dreams. You have to BE it to BE IT.  Which means no more white knuckling and fake it til you make it mentalities. It means living FULLY in your dreams, as if they already manifest, even if you’re still in the in between.


Living as your dream is a huge part of calling your dream in. Holding faith when the future seems bleak is where so much of the magic of Future Self lives.


And while that’s maybe the hardest part of the entire manifestation process, SHIFT is there to hold you through it all.


Not just with weekly workshops that will give you the wisdom and inspiration you need, but also with monthly Live Office Hours workshops so you can ask your questions or get coached by me on whatever you’re working on.


No matter where you are in your process, your relationship with manifestation (and the world), or how deeply you believe that you can have the life of your dreams…SHIFT will help you bring what seems impossible into reality. 

If you want to shift, but aren’t ready for the whole year commitment-

join pilar1 foundations of Manifestation.

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