Our Deepest Fears
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.”
Marianne Williamson
Our dreams are who we are meant to be.
They are the North Star we follow to create a life that is aligned with our soul.
And although the world is in chaos right now, that doesn't mean that we have to let go of that universal truth.
In fact, I believe that if we are privileged enough to not be in the midst of that chaos, it is even more important that we devote ourselves to following our dreams.
I often have my clients write out all the reasons why they aren't following their dreams.
A lot of the time, we are held back because in order to get there, we have to confront the guilt of being happy.
Because when we are confronted with the suffering of others, stepping into our own dreams can be painful.
But here's the thing:
If we are unfulfilled or unhappy, then it is harder to be of consistent service to others.
But if we are living a life beyond our greatest dreams, we are able to show up powerfully and truly make an impact.
The first time I heard this quote by Marianne Williamson, it rocked my world.
I owned a raw food restaurant and thought I was answering my soul's calling, but deep down I felt…incomplete.
I realized that, even though I was doing something I was passionate about, I wasn't really standing in my own light.
Without standing in my light, I wasn't helping other people stand in theirs - which is my soul's calling.
When people started seeking me out as a coach, I started to feel into the fullness of my dreams.
And I knew it was time to make space for a more aligned life.
But I would be lying if I said I didn't at times feel guilty for pursuing my ultimate happiness because the world around me was - as it always is in some way - in chaos.
But I pushed forward and did it anyway.
Because I knew that the life of my dreams would be the springboard for me to help so many others.
Through my joy, through my abundance, and through my soul's purpose.
So many of you come to me looking for clarity, knowing there is something bigger waiting for you on the other side of where you are.
It's my job to help you wade through the weeds of fear, the fog of indecision and the chains of external expectations.
So many of you come to me for permission to follow the bigger dream that made itself clear through following what you once thought was the biggest dream.
It's my job to cheer you on, to tell you that the bigger dream is the answer, and to help lead you to success.
Because one thing you can count on: every day there will be a reason to not follow your destiny.
And you will need the energy and the know-how to ride the waves of your dreams.
Join Future Self: The Course and get immediate access to two modules.
In two weeks, we will meet LIVE for an Office Hours Workshop to answer your questions and help you stay inspired and committed.
The world needs you - and the question you need to ask yourself is: who are you to not be who you are meant to be?
P.S. It's not too late to join Future Self: The Course and have 50% of your purchase go to Magen David Adom (the Israeli Red Cross).
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