Setting Intentions With The New Moon In Virgo



For most of us, we are feeling a change of season, and that can leave us feeling unstable and possibly unsettled. We are ready to begin on our next phase, yet things feel uncertain. It can be hard to take those next steps, as we aren’t quite sure what the near future holds. The truth is, we never really have, but we had this illusion we held onto. While that has felt safe in the past, it also kept us in patterns and behaviors that weren’t necessarily serving us. I invite you to step into this new unknown, as a world of possibilities. Possibilities that can lead you to where you actually WANT to go, as opposed to just floating along without directing your ship…

As I always say, I am not an astrologist, but I deeply feel the energy of the moon cycles. We are coming upon the New Moon in Virgo. When we think of Virgo, in its’ highest power, it is strong, detail-oriented, very earthly, and precise. It is an amazing energy to work with when we are working on putting things in motion and coming up with clear steps to work towards our goals.

In its ’lower vibration it can be overly worried, fixating on what others thing, judgmental of others, self-critical, as well as critical of others. So while we are working on all that we are trying to create, we can find ourselves holding back- allowing our fear of being judged to stop us from fully showing up. We also might find ourselves wasting energy judging others, making ourselves “right”, instead of focusing on what we are creating.a sign that in its’ highest form is confident, creative, and warm. In its’ weakest form it is stubborn and overly concerned with others’ opinions.

New Moons are wonderful times to set intentions. For me, the New Moon is a time to get even quieter, to meditate more, to really go within and see what is there. During this time, the subconscious mind is more open to connect with and show us what we truly desire, and what aligned steps we can take to get there. It is then that our actions become aligned with our authentic selves, rather than our fear-based self. This is where the miracles happen!

During different phases of the Moon, different parts of our subconscious beliefs are more present. We have more access to these “unseen” parts. The New Moon is also about beginnings. This New Moon in Virgo is a very healing one, as well as a productive one, but don’t be fooled into thinking it won’t come with some frustrations….

During these times of creation, I make sure to take extra time to get quiet and set some goals for myself. I find that I can get a lot of answers to what I want and what I need to do when I get curious during meditation. The answers I receive during these mediations, lead me to aligned actions. They help me take steps that feel in flow, rather than forced.

I recorded a guided mediation, that I listen to often, (I know it is a little weird that I listen to myself), but I find that it helps put me in the direction I want to go. This particular meditation is working with your future self, the version of you that you want for yourself. We are often trying to manifest a certain life, but our old patterns keep us trapped and repeating our old frustrations and we can feel as if we are never getting anywhere.. You can change that!

We are often acting from our old patterning, and from our habits. When we actively use our imagination to change the pattern, after time, a new habit can be formed. I have found that consistently going into meditation with the version of myself that I know I can be, is one of the quickest ways to create the new pattern and experience the changed me.

I wanted to share it with you and I hope it gives you the clarity and inspiration it gives me. Enjoy!

Please create a sacred space for yourself, light your incense + candle, take out your crystals.  have your journal and a pen nearby. When you are ready, press play.

Are you ready to step into a new, more empowered version of yourself and want a little extra support?

I have opened up my calendar to take on a limited amount of new private clients.This window will be closing in October.

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