New Moon In Sagittarius

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We are coming upon the last New Moon of the year, and thankfully it is one that is filled with powerful energy to create the change we are looking to create in our lives. This has been a year where everyone’s life has been “shook up” in one way or another. Some people gained a ton of time, while others lost it. Regardless, we all collectively experienced a life that was completely different than what we have experienced in the past. And so far different than anything we could have imagined…

With all this change, comes a new perspective. It forced us all to live our lives differently. Suddenly our priorities changed For many of us, it took us off the hamster wheel, and now we have an opportunity to choose a different path. There has been a huge emphasis on releasing these past few months, and now we have the powerful New Moon in Sagittarius to be intentional on what we want to fill up that space with. It is also a Solar Eclipse, which makes the energy that much more powerful… The energy of Sagittarius is open-minded, curious, and hopeful. We can use this energy to learn from this past year and start to plant seeds for our future. A future that is filled with possibility and intention.

We are nearing the end of the year, and this is the perfect Moon for you to be in reflection of 2020. What have you learned? What do you want to keep with you? What do you want to expand on? and of course, what are you ready to leave behind?

New Moons are often associated with new beginnings. It is a great time to think about the things you want to bring into your life. The things you want to focus on.  New Moons are wonderful times to set intentions. For me, the New Moon is a time to get even quieter, to meditate more, to really go within and see what is there.

During this time, the subconscious mind is more open to connect with and show us what we truly desire, and what aligned steps we can take to get there. It is then that our actions become aligned with our authentic selves, rather than our fear-based self.

This is where the miracles happen!




New Moons are wonderful times to set intentions. For me, the New Moon is a time to get even quieter, to meditate more, to really go within and see what is there.

During this time the subconscious mind is more open to connection. It can show us what we truly desire, and what aligned steps we can take to get there.

It is from there that our actions become aligned with our authentic selves rather than our fear-based self.

This is where the miracles happen!

What will we do in this workshop?

In this workshop, we use guided reiki, breathwork, journaling and Kundalini meditation to tap in to this energy.

How long is the workshop?

About an hour, broken up into different sections.

Is the workshop live?

No, it is prerecorded and you will have it in this portal on or before December 12th.

What do I need?

All you need is privacy, a journal and good wifi.

You might want a meditation cushion, a candle and something to cover your eyes (all optional).

What if I can't do it on the New Moon?

No worries, we have the energy of the New Moon for a few days before and after. You also have the opportunity to repeat the whole or any part of the workshop through the Full Moon in Cancer (December, 29th).

What if I can't do it all at once?

It is conveniently broken up into sections so you can make the experience suit your schedule.

Can I repeat the meditations or only do it on the New Moon?

You can absolutely repeat some or all of the workshop as many times as you want.

How long do I have access to the workshop?

You have access until December 29th, 2020.

What if I have technical problems?

All technical problems will be handled through

Can I return it?

No, there are no refunds or exchanges.

If a workshop isn’t your speed, but you still want to connect with the Moon, check out the numerous FREE meditations at the link below. Even if they are written for a different moon, you can do the meditation ANY time!

jamie graber