Organically, Jamie mind shifter + energy mover

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Using the Energy of The New Moon in Pisces to Connect with our Intuition.

We are entering into the watery Pisces New Moon on Sunday, at 10:32 EST. You might already start to feel its’ effects. It is quite intuitive, dreamy, creative and emotional. These feelings are not only because of its Piscean nature, but also the placement of Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. You might feel yourself focusing on your finances and your love life. Thinking about what it is you want to commit to and what you want to let go of.

The watery nature of this sign is asking us to go in. As we are made up of mostly water, it is asking us to go into the depths of oneself. To truly get quiet and allow ourselves to tune into our true self and what is coming up for us. What do we actually want to create? What is stirring inside of us that we are ready to give birth to and create? What seeds are we looking to plant so that they can start to grow? What are things we can do that can start to water those seeds?

New Moons are wonderful times to set intentions. For me, the New Moon is a time to get even quieter, to meditate more, to really go within and see what is there. During this time, the subconscious mind is more open to connect with and show us what we truly desire, and what aligned steps we can take to get there. It is then that our actions become aligned with our authentic selves, rather than our fear-based self. This is where the miracles happen!

During different phases of the Moon, different parts of our subconscious beliefs are more present. We have more access to these “unseen” parts. The New Moon is also about beginnings. This New Moon in Pisces is about creating something that you truly feel aligned with. Tapping into your intuition to create from a place of trust. It is a great time to start planting seeds, and the more you listen the more you will hear how to water them.

If you want to go deeper with the Energy of this New Moon and have your intuition grow to help you live an aligned life, join me for my new Group Coaching Program - Included is a New Moon Workshop to help harness the energy of this powerful New Moon in Pisces.

Shift Your Consciousness

A Twelve-Week Intimate Group Coaching Experience of Owning Your Truth, Shifting Your Energy & Stepping Into a New Story

Get the support, tools, and guidance to MAKE a new, empowering story your reality...

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There are only a few spots left- Is one of them yours?

If you want even more support in creating in the life of your dreams,

I would love to see you in New York City in person, or virtually anywhere

Schedule a time here. 

Looking forward to connecting!