Getting Dreamy with the New Moon in Pisces

The New Moon in Pisces is the last New Moon of the astrological year, and it brings a dreamy energy that drops us into a place of intuitive flow. 

As with all New Moons, we bring our focus to what we want to create, and start thinking of the steps we’ll need to take to create it. 

But, with this particular Moon, we want to drop into how we want to feel more than what we need to do. 

Visualizing is an important part of this New Moon as it helps us connect to how we feel in our desires and the journey to realize them. 

Because the journey is as important as the destination, we want to feel what the journey to that destination might be…and how we can make it feel good. 

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and therefore the last New Moon of the astrological new year. 

This brings with it a feeling of closure, along with the new beginning. 

It’s a good time to look back to where you were last year at this time. 

Feel into what needs to be closed so that something new can be let in. 

I so often speak about the moons, as I have experienced for myself and witnessed through my clients their power in moving us towards our most authentic selves and desires.

If you’re looking to work with the moon energy, I have designed the perfect way for you to do it, that can fit into your life and not let it take over your life. 

I have created The  Moon Baths Membership, a reiki infused meditation experience that syncs you with the energy of the Moon. 

Each Moon Bath comes with a video talking about the current Moon’s energy, a reiki infused meditation and journaling prompts. 

Every month you are met with 2 chances to work with the Moons. A new meditation drops for every New and Full Moon.

Drop in and see how magical working with the Moons can be for you. 

If you want to shift, but aren’t ready for the whole year commitment-

join pilar1 foundations of Manifestation.

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