New Moon in Cancer



As I always say, I am not an astrologist, but I deeply feel the energy of the moon cycles.  On July 20th, we are coming upon the second New Moon in Cancer of the year. if you recall, the last New Moon in Cancer was in June and was a Lunar Eclipse, which made it that much more intense. The watery sign of Cancer can have you feeling a bit emotional and frustrated. You know there is so much you want to create and change, and yet you can feel overwhelmed, by all that you are feeling. Your intuition is telling you can create and make change, but your habits and patterns are having you feeling blocked and unable to commit to the changes.

As I often say, New Moons are perfect times to set intention and goals. in the previous post about the June Cancer New Moon, I wrote about it being a good time to set goals, not only for the following month but also for the following 6 months because of the extra energy that comes with it being a lunar eclipse. You can read that full post HERE

Often when we are creating goals and intentions for ourselves, we can go too far away from where we actually are. I see this with my clients often. We want so much for the change to occur and we want it so quickly that we over-commit to changes that are unsustainable. This is a form of self-sabotage and nontrust. If we are trying to connect with a version of ourselves that is possible, we need to allow ourselves to take time to get there. When we try to move it to quickly, we set up goals that we know we won’t be able to commit to and then, therefore, give up and stay in the loop of our old patterns and habits.

An example of this would be someone who wants to bring more physical movement to their life or even meditation. At the current time, they don’t do either at all. Then when coming out of the meditation below, they come out journaling I will workout/meditate 1 hour a day, 7 days a week. While they might start out strong, the likely hood of sticking with that for a longer period time is well, unlikely. It is too far from where they are now. This loop of starting and stopping creates insecurity within ourselves. It makes us stop believing that we can change and that we can become the version of ourselves we feel so deeply is possible…So how do we stop this cycle?

I truly believe and have seen in myself and my clients that the best way to create sustainable change is to do it slowly and CONSISTENTLY. Change is not these huge steps, but actually small steps that we commit to that build over time. I invite you to do the meditation below.

The New Moon in Cancer opens up your intuition into your true you, the you that you know is possible. Let’s use that energy to get clear SMALL COMMITMENTS, that can bring us closer to the authentic, aligned us that we know is possible.

Get yourself into a quiet, dark place, possibly grab an eye pillow. Light a candle, maybe incense, and have your journal and pen nearby. Then when you are ready, press play on the recording below!

The guided meditation will take you into a deep mediation and has prompts to help you go deep inside and get clear.