New Moon In Aquarius

On February 11th at 2:05 PM EST, we are entering the second New Moon of the year in the sign of Aquarius. New Moons are when the Sun and Moon are in the same sign. This particular New Moon has even more energy behind it as a total of 6 planets are in Aquarius, making it quite an inspiring and innovative New Moon.

Aquarian energy is filled with encouraging and supportive energy. It has rebellious tendencies and looks to see things differently. We want to use this energy to truly see our habits and patterns that are stored in our subconscious. It is from that lens that we are able to see what we are creating from habits and where we can make changes so that we can create different outcomes based on choices. Outcomes that are aligned with what we want, and not just old patterns playing out over and over again.

As we use this expansive energy, we also want to remember that we are connected to something bigger than ourselves. In true Aquarian energy, we can tap into how we can make an impact on the collective, remembering that when we are truly in alignment with our authentic self, we are not only bettering ourselves, but we are also bettering those around us. It is often when we focus on how we can make the world around us better that we find our purpose.

New Moons allow different parts of our subconscious to step forward. It is in our subconscious that our old habits, patterns, memories as well as our truest self live. When we get extra quiet during these powerful times we can get answers to our deepest desires, as well as a true understanding of ourselves. We are able to see our habits and patterns that keep us in old stories and ways. We also have access to seeing different possibilities. This is why so many people set intentions during New Moons.

When creating intentions around the Moon, I think of it very differently than goal setting. I am more focused on the desired feeling and then ask what steps I can take daily to feel that way while I get there. It takes the focus away from the end goal and moves it to the way I am feeling on the journey. This can create more of an opening when I am not sure what my next steps might be. It allows for me to surrender more and to allow myself t be guided, rather than trying to control.




This is where the miracles happen!

What will we do in this workshop?

In this workshop, we use guided reiki, breathwork, journaling and Kundalini meditation to tap in to this energy.

How long is the workshop?

About an hour, broken up into different sections.

Is the workshop live?

No, it is prerecorded and you will have it in this portal on or before December 12th.

What do I need?

All you need is privacy, a journal and good wifi.

You might want a meditation cushion, a candle and something to cover your eyes (all optional).

What if I can't do it on the New Moon?

No worries, we have the energy of the New Moon for a few days before and after. You also have the opportunity to repeat the whole or any part of the workshop through the next Full Moon

What if I can't do it all at once?

It is conveniently broken up into sections so you can make the experience suit your schedule.

Can I repeat the meditations or only do it on the New Moon?

You can absolutely repeat some or all of the workshop as many times as you want.

How long do I have access to the workshop?

You have access until February 26th, 2021.

What if I have technical problems?

All technical problems will be handled through

Can I return it?

No, there are no refunds or exchanges.

If a workshop isn’t your speed, but you still want to connect with the Moon, check out the numerous FREE meditations at the link below. Even if they are written for a different moon, you can do the meditation ANY time!