Full Moon in Taurus
Photo from Pexels
On Saturday, October 31st the Moon will be full the second time this month, and with that comes some intensity. You might already be feeling it…The Moon might not look as bright, but the energy will be even more powerful than a normal Full Moon. It will be in the sign of Taurus, which makes us think about stability, reliability, and in all honesty, stubbornness. It is in conjunction with Uranus, which brings with it the energy of change and rebellion. And obviously, these are conflicting energies. Uranus wants immediate change, and Taurus wants to remain the same... As you can imagine, this can be bringing up contradicting parts of ourselves…
Since the Fall Equinox in September, there has been a theme of releasing. This has been a returning theme and this Moon adds to the intensity of that energy. For many of us, there are things we have been working on letting go of, yet they are still here. This Moon shines a light on that. All the recurring patterns and blocks feel ever so present. This can be frustrating, but we must remember that healing is not an overnight process. It takes time and repetition.
Our healing process comes in waves, we can feel like we have moved through it, and then it rears its’ head again. The truth is we are not looking to never feel the trigger again, that isn’t always possible. What we are looking for is for the trigger to hold less and less power over us. We are not looking for perfection, yet instead to feel better than before. Each time we acknowledge and work on our healing, we have a little more relief, and the power it has over us becomes less. Sometimes the triggers will still happen, but with repetition and consistency our response to the trigger can be less and we can get back to calm quicker….
As I have written before the Full Moon, brings light on the things we sometimes don’t see, often the things we are trying to keep hidden. Many refer to this as our shadow. While this can be incredibly emotional, it is also a time of great release. When we don’t pay attention to our shadow and don’t become friends with it, it actually becomes more powerful in blocking us from the things we truly want. The Full Moon is a beautiful time to get quiet, to get honest with yourself…Allow the light to show you the things you have been trying to hide from. From there, you can learn to integrate them and therefore loosen their powerful hold over you.