Releasing Meditation for the Full Moon in Sagittarius [AUDIO]
Photo Unknown Source
The Full Moon in Sagittarius is going to bring light on a lot of the things you have been trying to hide. There are things your inner voice has been whispering that you have been trying to ignore. Instead of getting unraveled, see it as a blessing. These are the things that we need bring light on so that we can actually let them go. They are what is holding us back from what we actually desire. This is where your freedom lies...
The full moon acts like a magnet, affecting the tides of the ocean. The moon, like us, is made of about 85 % water and so we too are affected by the energies of the moon. It will pull at things that we have been trying to keep buried. We will have more access to the subconscious mind to release the past. The light is an opportunity to see what needs to be released. You have to acknowledge it in order to let it go.
Tonight we will do a Kundalini Meditation for Releasing Your Past
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo 3 times
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with the palms of both hands and fingers are completely touching. The outer edge of the mound of the thumb is pressed into the sternum.
I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within
Ad Guray Nameh Jugad Guray Nameh Sat Guray Nameh Siri Guru Devay Nameh 3 times
I bow to the primal wisdom. I bow to the wisdom through the ages.
I bow to the true wisdom.I bow to the great unseen wisdom.
I have made a Guided version of this below
Stress Relief and Clearing the Emotions of the Past
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.
Mudra: Place the hands at the center of the chest with the tips of the thumbs touching each other and each of the fingers touching the corresponding fingers on the opposite hand. Leave space between the palms. The fingertips are pointing upward.
Photo from KRI
Eye Focus: Look at the tip of the nose.
Breath: Breathe 4 times per minute: inhale 5 seconds, hold 5 seconds, exhale 5 seconds.
Time: Continue for 11 minutes or until you feel relief from the stress. (Adapted from KRI)
Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on November 18, 1991
This meditation is especially useful for dealing with stressful relationships and with past family issues. lt addresses phobias, fears, and neuroses. It can remove unsettling thoughts from the past that surface into the present. It can take difficult situations in the present and release them into the Hands of Infinity.
When you are finished, put THIS PLAYLIST ON pull out your journal and acknowledge the things that came up for you. Writing out and saying out loud that you are ready to release each thing that came up. Take your time, feeling and releasing what you are tired of carrying around with you. Now it is time to clear your crystals, which you can do with Palo Santo, Sage, Sound, dirt, water etc... To get more information check out THIS VIDEO where we talk about crystals, moons and clearing....When you are finished put your crystals either outside or near a window for 24 hours...
If you have been enjoying the New + Full Moon + Crystal Rituals with me every month, and want to do it together in person:
I am so excited to announce that after the incredible evening we had at last month's New Moon, I am doing it again!
Please note there are limited spaces, so please sign up soon. Last month we SOLD OUT!
You will leave with your own sacred tools (crystals + palo santo) to continue releasing when you return home. There will be a guided Reiki Healing + Kundalini + Releasing ceremony that will be amplified with the Power of the Full Moon.