Full Moon in Aries - Living in Your Purpose...
Having just entered Libra Season - a time of great reflection and focus on relationships - we welcome the Full Moon in Aries.
The counterpoint to this energy, powerful, emotional, and passionate Aries brings us in deep contemplation of the Self.
This might feel like an intense moment in time, and that's because it is.
Some good questions to ponder during this time are:
What is my soul's purpose?
What am I trying to create in the world?
Why am I here?
Remember that the Lunar Calendar begins in Aries, so this is THE time to start looking back at the intentions we set (in March when the New Moon was in Aries).
In order to create what we want it's helpful to look back and check in with prior intentions:
Do we still want those things?
Have we made progress?
And is there something that is blocking us from moving towards them?
When the Moon is in Aries we have the amplified energy to tap into understanding what our soul's purpose is.
But sometimes it's hard to get clear on that when we have the noise of the outside world (especially social media) telling us what our soul's purpose SHOULD be.
Here's the truth:
Sometimes, our soul's purpose has nothing to do with our jobs. Of course, it can, but not always. And that's a tricky rhetoric we get caught up in, that often keeps us from the clarity we seek.
Libra season shows us that it's okay to expand that definition into following the things in life that make us feel at home within ourselves, such as a deep devotion to others (whether that's a partnership, parenthood, animals, etc.).
Even if it contradicts societal norms, your soul's purpose is YOURS, and the work right now is to get clear and comfortable with that, because we are not all meant to be passionate about the same thing.
Since this is a Full Moon, this kind of introspection will lead us to an understanding of what we need to let go of in order to more fully embody our soul's purpose.
Ask yourself:
What has stopped you from the creation of your soul's purpose?
Where are you too selfish/angry or easily frustrated?
Where are you too passive or indecisive?
How can you see or do things differently so you are no longer stopped by these things?
What can you release (whether this is a habit, behavior, thought or something physical) to make your journey to your soul's purpose easier?
You may be thinking that this sounds a lot like Future Self work, and that's because it is.
All my Moon teachings are, in essence, Future Self work.
Because we take ourselves out of the present moment into the limitless possibility of the future, into a space where fear and resistance does not exist, and envision the life of our dreams.
It's a place where we remember that if we dream it, we can have it.
It is not only one of the most powerful ways to manifest your dreams but to also enjoy the journey along the way.
And it has to be a consistent practice, to break the patterns that stop you.
The Full Moon in Aries is a great time to start, but it has to extend beyond the Full Moon to truly impact your life.
This is why I've upgraded my most popular course to include two opportunities to be coached by me live.
Because our soul's purpose is important, and we are meant to be living it.
And life itself is set up to teach us the lessons we need on our journey to it.
But sometimes those lessons trip us up, slow us down, or confuse us.
And it is my soul's purpose to help you move through all of that.
My superpower is showing you how to get unstuck so you can manifest your best life ever.
Future Self: The Course starts on Tuesday, October 10.
This year, we're all doing it together.
And the live Office Hours are specifically scheduled to keep you inspired and connected.
Because of course we can do this work alone, but it's so much easier, faster and way more fun when we
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