Releasing with the Full Moon In Aries
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As I always say, I am not an astrologist, but I deeply feel the energy of the moon cycles. While my meditation is a daily practice, I feel during the days leading up to, during and a little after the Full Moon I tend to get even quieter. I use these times to really allow myself to feel and honor what is coming up for me.
Personally I have been feeling my darker side more present since shifting into the cooler weather. As the days grow shorter and the darkness comes quicker, I can notice I am more aware of things that are more frustrating…Old stories, old voices, old fears, and in all honesty, old anger. I am quicker to find myself in opposition to others, rather than looking for similarities. As this comes up, I know it is more about me than about them. I realize I must allow myself to feel it all so that I can learn from it and then release whatever is the root, and not focus on the symptom…. If I allow it to stay about them, I learn nothing. If I instead look inside to see what it is revealing about myself, then I am empowered by it. From the conversations I have been having, I know I am not alone in this.
As we approach the first of two Full Moons this October, it is no surprise to me that my darker side is coming more forward lately. As the Moon gets brighter, it shines its’ light on our shadow side. Still working with the energy of the Fall Equinox, there is a lot we have to release. And as we know, in order to release it, we must allow ourselves to feel it, and to acknowledge it. When we feel ourselves in that discomfort, even though we want to numb it out and ignore it, if we truly want to release its’ hold over us, we have to sit with it. We must get curious with it. It is in that curiosity that we can engage with it, and instead of letting it take over, it becomes a tool to learn and grow.
Full Moons, regardless of what sign they are in, have a focus on releasing and endings. They also bring light on the things that we have not been wanting to look at. These are the things that we might not want to acknowledge or accept about ourselves, some refer to this as the shadow. While it can be uncomfortable and painful, we need to allow our dark side to show itself to us. When we allow it to be seen and felt, we can release ourselves from the power and shame it might hold over us.
We have all been asked in many ways to slow down. In this sowing down we are often still looking for ways to get out of dealing with our own stuff. While many distractions have been removed, often we can find ways to still avoid the work. We can sit in anger and stew on what is wrong with everyone else, or we can look inside. One of the most empowering gifts we can give to ourselves is radical self-honesty. We can stop focusing on what others are doing and instead focus on what we can change, what we can control. Often one of the most powerful ways to change the people around us is to show up as the example of that change. So with this Full Moon in Aries, we are met with a choice, focus on all that is wrong with everyone else or focus on what we want to work on within ourselves. What darkness can we release so that we can shine brighter for ourselves and the world around us?
I am going to repeat the meditation I did with the Fall Equinox, as we are still being supported with the very strong power fo releasing. Even if you have already done the meditation, I encourage you to do it again. You can actually do it often as you want. Thisthis month is filled with the extra energy that can help you truly become aware of and release all that has been holding you a prisoner.
I recorded the meditation so that you can really get quiet and go within…Grab your journal, go to a place with privacy, turn down the lights, and maybe light a candle and some incense…surrendering and allowing whatever to come up come up…
If you would prefer to listen to mantra and journal, press play on the playlist below and allow yourself to get quiet. Start by closing your eyes and slowing down your breath. Breathe into your belly for long deep breaths…Stretching your breath as long as you can in and as long as you can out…When you are ready, pull out your journal and acknowledge the things that came up for you. What are the whispers that you have been trying to ignore? What would happen if you acknowledged them? Are there things that you could do that could lessen their power?
Take your time, feeling and releasing what you are tired of carrying around with you. Acknowledging what you truly want and finding things, no matter how small, that you could do to move past them. Allow yourself to be guided. You can listen to this playlist
Now, if you feel called, it is time to clear your crystals, which you can do with Palo Santo, Sage, Sound, dirt, water etc... You can check out my HIGHLIGHT STORY CALLED CLEARING to get quick info on how to clear your crystals. To get more information check out THIS VIDEO where we talk about crystals, moons and clearing....When you are finished put your crystals either outside or near a window for 24 hours...