
While I shared this meditation for the Winter Solstice, the end of the year is also the perfect time to spend in reflection of what you need to release. The truth is, creating the life of your dreams isn’t about just showing up just for the powerful days, it’s about showing up consistently. Day after day, even when you don’t want to.

There’s a saying that got popular a few years ago: "If it’s not a f*ck yes, it’s a f*ck no." And I deeply disagree with that sentiment. Not everything is going to be a f*ck yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s not part of the path forward to the life of our dreams.

Do you want to take the time to meditate every day? No.

But you do want the clarity and peace you get when you do meditate.

Do you want to work out every day? No.

But you do want the health and energy you get when you do work out.

And so on, and so forth.

That’s why the f*ck yes culture of "everything should feel good" can be so misleading, especially when you’re setting your intentions for the new year.

The journey of creating the things we want to create will always—yes, ALWAYS—include steps we don’t want to take.

And for most of us, the thing that trips us up—the thing that keeps us from stepping into a more purposeful life of clarity—isn’t setting our intentions. We KNOW what we want, or at least have some idea of the feeling we’re looking for.

What trips us up is buying into the idea—sometimes without realizing it—that all our steps forward should be a f*ck yes. That idea keeps us stuck because whenever friction comes up, we stop what we’re doing.

But moving THROUGH the friction is part of the journey we need to take to create what we most desire.

This New Year’s, let’s commit to moving through the friction.

On January 2nd at 1:33pm EST, we enter the peak of the New Moon in Capricorn. Part of what is so amazing about Capricorn energy is that it helps keep you committed and disciplined on the journey to get the thing you want.

This is a fantastic energy to start the year with. But what would it be like if you could channel that energy all year long?

What would it be like if every day for the next year, you had…

…the support to show up on the days that you don’t want to?

…a place to restore your hope when you’ve lost it all?

…a community to land in when things get tough (and to celebrate with when things go right)?

…all the tools and resources you need to help you navigate your blocks and step into the best version of YOU possible?

What would it be like if you decided THIS is the year you chose you…and you had everything you needed to help you show up every day for that commitment?

If you’re looking to make 2022—and beyond—a year of transformation, then I invite you to check out
SHIFT, my group coaching program for women. Early Bird enrollment closes on Sunday, January 2nd at 11:59pm EST.

In SHIFT, I teach you how to create the life you want,
so you can create lasting change from the inside out.

Most importantly, you will be kept in a conversation that moves you closer to your dream life every single day.

SHIFT helps you build the discipline you need to stay committed to the daily steps that will help you reach your end goal. Discipline will keep you committed to honoring your end goal more than your "right now."

In SHIFT you get:

  • Live weekly group coaching calls that answer the biggest questions you and your fellow #SHIFTERS are asking

  • A warm and supportive Slack community where lifelong connections are built

  • Instant access to the SHIFT library with 110+ hours of past coaching calls/Moon Workshops/Q&A sessions (including all related exercises, homework, mantras and reiki baths)

  • And so much more

You will have all the support you need to make 2022 a year of transformation.

When you enroll, you get instant access to the SHIFT library
so you can immediately start exploring the concepts that will move you forward this year.

As a special bonus, you’ll also receive instant access to the New Moon in Capricorn workshop.

And when you enroll before Sunday, January 2nd at 11:59pm EST, you also get special Early Bird pricing.

SHIFT will help you discover what your soul has known all along:

You already have the power to transform your life inside you.
I just help you unlock it.

I hope to see you inside.

Think of the emditation as a mini Energy Session. It is filled with Reiki + Sound + Guidance + Healing. Reiki energy healing can move time and space, so you will feel it, even though you are not with me at the time I recorded it for you. Please note if you are pregnant, just do long deep breaths for the mediation.

See what is coming up for you.

What is it that you want to release?

What is it that you need to let go of in order to move closer to being comfortable being you.?

How would it feel knowing that all you need to be is YOU?

What would you be doing if you were connected to the real you, the you that remembers the miracle you are…?

If you’re looking to create a life filled with Purpose, Passion and Clarity, and want a little support, join my intimate group coaching,


In Shift Your Consciousness, you’ll learn how to permanently reprogram your limiting beliefs, own your truth and step into a new, more empowering story.