Adaptogens 101 -with recipes
Photo A Wild Dove
I am often asked about what adaptogens people should be taking, and what do what... So below is a quick easy guide to some of my favorites, and 2 basic recipes for making them...Enjoy!
Adaptogens are a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress and to exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes and by regulating your adrenal system. They help you respond to any influence or stressor, normalizing your physiological function through your adrenal system. They can be herbs, mushrooms, amino acids etc…
There are many different reasons to take them, and people say different things about how to cycle them, taking too much, taking for long term…I suggest, get in the body and do some “MEsearch”. See how you feel and take that into consideration when playing with them. I personally use them like a medicinal pantry. When I am feeling like I need a little energy I will grab for ones like Rhodiola and Maca . If I am feeling stressed and anxious, I will work with Ashwagandha and Mucuna Pruriens.
Below is just a few quick notes on some of my favorites.. They all are anti inflammatory and have immunity boosting effects, amongst many other things not listed. Ones that aren't in the recipes, but I love as well are Pine Pollen and Astragulus
Photo A Wild Dove
Ashwagandha- reduces stress and anxiety, decreases cortisol (Cortisol is the principle hormone tied to our innate “flight-or-fight” response, which is how the body reacts to acute stress by either helping us run from the situation or stick around and fight our way through. When short spikes in cortisol/adrenaline happen over and over again nearly every day, they cause wear and tear on the body and speed up the aging process. (Dr. Axe). This is my go to. I will often take it at night, where for me my anxiety can rise. Often people take it in the morning when cortisol is at its highest. The taste can be a little bitter.
Astragulus A great one for metabolism and general energy. I will sometimes swap this out for other things in my morning tonic.
Cordyceps –helps with energy, in both the physical and mental planes. Boosts immunity and arousal. I love this one before a work out. It helps with stamina and energy. It is also known to be some what of an aphrodisiac. It doesn't have much of a taste, so it it easy to sneak into things.
Maca- Definitely my favorite of all, and the one I have been taking the longest. It gives energy and stamina, helps with fertility and sexual arousal, and balances hormones. It also tastes delicious and creamy, slightly sweet.
Mucuna Pruriens- is 15% L-DOPA, a precursor to Dopamine. This is a mood enhancer. It soothes the nervous system and can take you into relaxation and bliss. It is known as a "feel good" adaptogen. I am very sensitive to this one, and can feel a bit "out of it", so I tread very lightly with it. Again, you have to see how you feel, in your body...
Pine Pollen great for hormonal support and energy. I will sometimes sub this one out for something else in my morning tonic. It has a mild taste, which is nice.
Rhodiola Rosea- This one is almost always in my morning drink. It reduces fatigue, can help with focus, improve cognition. I feel like it gives me an extra boost. It does not taste good, but in the right recipe you don't notice...
Reshi This is a huge immunity booster and known to help connect to spirit and calmness, centeredness, balance, inner awareness and inner strength. It is actually the first adaptogen I would have back when I was living in Venice and working at Rawvolution. I loved it from the beginning. It helps to make me feel connected...
Tocos- The beauty one. It is all about the skin. Bio available form of vitamin E. Tastes great, sweet. I will eat it straight, and it feels like a treat!
Photo A Wild Dove
These are all warm tonics, but you can easily add any of them to smoothies as well. Tocos is the only one you do not want to add to something warm. The benefits of Tocos are minimized if you heat it.
Also, play around with the recipes and what herbs feel good to you! I would start slow and see how you feel!
My Morning Tonic
2 shots of Organic espresso (You can substitute this for Matcha, Tea, or Water)
8 oz of warm water
½ teaspoon Rhodlola
½ teas spoon Cordyceps
1 teaspoon of Maca
½ teaspoon of Cinnamon
½ teaspoon of Ghee or Coconut Butter
Put the warm liquid in first. It should be tea temperature. Warm to the touch, not scolding. Blend. If you don’t drink coffee you can sub out it out for plain water, matcha, or tea… To make vegan, swap out Ghee for Coconut oil.
My Evening Bliss
10-12 oz of warm water
½ teaspoon Reishi
½ teaspoon Ashwagandha
½ teas spoon Mucuna Pruriens
½ teaspoon of Cinnamon
½ teaspoon of Ghee or Coconut Butter
Put the warm liquid in first. It should be tea temperature. Warm to the touch, not scolding. Blend. To make vegan, swap out Ghee for Coconut Butter
Drop me a line, and let me know what you think!