A Simple Anxiety Hack

So anxiety itself is caused by a dysregulated nervous system.

From this dysregulation, we experience unease in the body, which produces both physical and mental/emotional symptoms.

When we are in this dysregulated state, we often feel helpless - like we don’t know how to get out.

So I’d like to share a very easy exercise that anyone can do anywhere…

Okay…so are you ready?

Inhale BIG through your nose into your belly. Fill your belly up completely. And exhale fully out through your mouth.

A couple rounds of this can help your inner situation transform.

That’s it.

This simple breath exercises helps you access your parasympathetic nervous system (what we know as rest & digest).

You parasympathetic nervous system is what you need to tap into to access a calm state.

And the better and more practiced your relationship with your breath, the easier it is to access your parasympathetic nervous system when you’re anxious.

Which means the easier it becomes to get out of an anxious state and into a state of relaxation, or at least a state of spaciousness that will give you the ability to see a situation from different perspectives and to choose the better one.

P.S. I am not a doctor, but I am someone who has struggled immensely with severe anxiety. What I offer you here has helped me time and time again.

jamie graber