Ready to Create a Life Filled with Purpose, Passion and Clarity?

Learn how to permanently reprogram your limiting beliefs, own your truth and step into a new, more empowering story.


“I should be doing more with my life.
Why can’t I make it happen?”

It’s a question that runs on a non-stop loop in your head.

You feel out of sync and anxious, like you’re racing against time.

Like something is missing.

You’re not 100% sure what that ‘something’ is, though.

And it’s not for lack of trying to figure it out.

You’ve read the personal development books and tried journaling.

Your IG feed is filled with inspirational posts from high-vibration people and brands you admire. You’ve set intentions, blocked off time in your calendar and color-coded your to-do list.

Maybe you’ve even Marie Kondo-ed your closet, dabbled in meditation or created a vision board.

And for a minute, you feel good with each new tactic you try out. You think ‘Maybe this time I’ll find what I’m looking for.’

But at some point, the self-sabotaging behaviors start up again. You lose interest in the latest book, or look at your closet, purged of anything that doesn’t bring you joy and think, “Now what?”


Then the nagging doubts, the anxiety, the fears – they all come back, in an endless loop:

  • “Why can’t I commit to making a change?” 

  •  “What keeps holding me back from doing more with my life?”

  • “I know the life I want. But I have no idea how to create it.” 

  • “Why do I keep shrinking back into my comfort zone and hiding out?”

  • “There’s not one area of my life that’s kicking ass.”

  • “I always focus on what’s gone wrong or what could go wrong.” 

  • “Deep down, I don’t think I’m good enough.” 

  • “I feel so stuck.”

You end up on a roller coaster of emotions, frustrated and losing confidence in yourself because no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to stick with the intentions you set.

And worst of all…you’re still not sure where to start next.


The truth is…you AREN’T meant to do this alone.

(And ‘try harder’ isn’t the answer either.)

If you spend a few minutes looking at anything related to personal development or mindset work, you’ll eventually hear about someone’s favorite tools or practices.

They gush about how life-changing it was, how it’s so accessible - anyone can do it!

All the while, they’re missing a fundamental truth - a natural law, really - of how we actually build change into our lives:
Without the right support or structure, no tool or practice will be ‘enough’ to bring about LASTING change.

And the misinformation sends you running in circles, wondering why you can’t make this ‘life-changing’ habit STICK.


If you want to get out of old, limiting patterns, you need to do the work daily. 

Easier said than done, right?

You already know you need new habits to replace the ones sabotaging you. But when you try building new, empowering habits, the old ones kick into overdrive and derail you.

And then you’re back at square one.
It’s a frustrating cycle.
That’s why ‘committing to the work’ isn’t enough.
‘Trying harder’ isn’t enough either.
Neither is ‘finding a bigger, more compelling WHY.’ 

Without a structured, supportive system to help you navigate the journey, you end up spinning your wheels over and over again….despite doing All The Right Things.

So, yes – commit to the work.
Give it your best effort.
Find your ‘why.’
But do it within a structured system. A system with support. 

That’s how you learn and make lasting changes. (Like doing the work daily.)


Even the most centered, balanced, chakras-clear-as-quartz women you know and admire had a hard time showing up in the beginning

They each started somewhere.

They each had to find the structure and support that enabled them to transform their thinking.

I did, too.


Hi, I’m Jamie.
Energy mover. Mind shifter.
And former Stuck Human Being.

Like you, I struggled with negative self-talk, limiting beliefs and a general, overwhelming sense of going-in-circles for years.

At first, I tried to figure everything out on my own. 

‘Try harder.’ ‘Want it more.’


It wasn’t until I immersed myself in a structured, supportive system of discovery to shift my own thoughts  that I finally started to get clarity.

As I learned everything I could about kundalini yoga, reiki, crystals, hypnosis, cognitive reframing and all things mystical, I had countless mentors and guides along the way. When I had questions, I knew exactly where to go.

I realized that support system and structure was exactly what I needed to stick with my new habits every single day.


 The good news: you don’t have to spend years studying the latest mindfulness techniques to get clarity and peace of mind

When I first started coaching clients, I discovered my ‘secret sauce’ of structure and support worked for them, too.

They didn’t need an elaborate 20-step morning and evening ritual that took  3+ hours to complete. 

They just needed a clear path to follow, and a safe space to ask all those questions that come up whenever you’re learning something new.  (“Where do I put my arm during this meditation?” “Why am I feeling angry during this exercise - is that normal?”)

Getting answers to those questions as they come up is crucial to making lasting change.


When you have that support, you’ll finally be empowered to become the Future You that’s been inside all along.

And you’ll be able to:

• Show up more confidently and energized at work, with your partner, in your body, and in your friendships.

• Live from a place of conscious, proactive action - not programmed reaction.

• Know exactly how to rewrite old triggers and cycles, so that you can move into a new life with new possibilities.

• See new opportunities in front of you that you never saw before - every single day.

That reality can be yours. It’s your birthright.


Introducing Shift

An intimate, immersive 6-month group coaching program for women who are ready to get unstuck and step into a new, empowering story

Using meditation, coaching and breathwork in a structured, supportive environment, you’ll get the exact tools and support you need to cut through the noise, and finally tap into who you want to be. This is a mindset program for women who are tired of trying to figure out how to create a better life for themselves. It will help you find balance through clear, daily rituals.

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Release limiting beliefs

Overcome the subconscious programming that causes you to second guess everything you do.

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Manifest the life of your dreams

Free yourself from the obstacles keeping you stuck, so you can become Future You and start living your best life

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Find your center

No more getting lost in a spiral of reacting to things.

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Dissolve negative thoughts

Release the uncertainty, anxiety and fears that play on ‘repeat’ in your head all day long

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Unleash your resilience

Step into a new story where you finally realize and believe that you are - and always have been - enough

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Get the support you need

Say goodbye to doing it alone – you’ll get the support and attention to navigate even the toughest Resistance


Here’s how Shift works

The Shift Group Coaching program is an interactive, 6-month group coaching program, focusing on Relationships, Prosperity and Communication. Shift is designed to help you replace your limiting beliefs with new, healthy, empowering thought patterns so you can:

  • Step off the emotional roller coaster of reactive, negative energies

  • Dissolve the self-defeating narrative that keeps you ‘playing small’

  • Get the clarity you need to start doing things on your own terms

Shift begins June 30th, 2020 with weekly LIVE coaching sessions or empowering LIVE Moon Workshops, to harness the energy of the New and Full Moon.

The final session is December 21, 2020, so you can spend the rest of this year SHIFTING into your Best Self and Best Life.

Only 15 spots are available, to ensure a high level of support for each student. Enroll now to reserve your space!

(Pssst - right now, the Shift program is the only way to work with me. I’m not currently taking new one-on-one coaching clients.)

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Live Group Coaching Calls

Get clarity and support during weekly 1-hour live group coaching calls or Moon Workshops. All calls are recorded and uploaded to the program portal

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Guided Kundalini Meditations

Follow along with a powerful combination of mantra, movement and meditations to move your subconscious mind

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Live Monthly Moon Workshops

Harness the energy of each month’s New and Full Moon with a combination of live coaching, journaling and guided meditations

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Warm Seats

Hop into the Warm Seat during our live weekly group calls for a mini 1-on-1 coaching session. Ask questions and get clarity and support from me

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Reiki and Energy Healing

Learn how to tap into your inner wisdom and life force to release stress and tension, eliminate anxiety and clear your mind

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Calming Breathwork

Discover how to properly nourish your entire body and calm your nervous system - anywhere, anytime - with your breath

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Private Slack Group

Get support throughout the week: ask me questions as things come up in your practice, then share and celebrate wins with your fellow Shifters

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Immersive Exercises

Rewire your brain and support your learning with journaling and goal-setting prompts, plus self-directed neuroplasticity exercises

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Personal Connection

Be seen, heard and held every step of the way: you’ll have a personal connection with me throughout the program (and exclusive email access!)


Shift your consciousness and step into a new story

For 6 months, I’ll be by your side, helping you transform your subconscious mind through conversation, meditation and breathwork, in a structured, supportive environment. 

I use a variety of tools - including a lot of Kundalini - because it’s been so powerful and healing for me and my clients. 

But you don’t need to know anything about Kundalini or meditation to be transformed by Shift. The process is what changes you. 

And every aspect of the program will be customized to the unique needs and goals of you and your fellow Shifters. 

I’ll share everything I’ve learned over the years, in a small, intimate environment where you’ll have exclusive access to me and my teachings.

You’ll tap into my background as a:

  • Reiki Healer

  • Certified Kundalini Teacher

  • Integrative Life Coach (Center for Integrative Hypnosis)

  • Certified in Ericksonian Hypnosis

  • Breathwork trainer with David Elliot

  • Certified Yoga Alliance Yoga instructor (700 hours)

  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) graduate

  • Gabrielle Bernstein Spirit Junkie Coach Level 1 and 2 (teaching Kundalini at Level 2)


Here’s what you get when you enroll in Shift

  • Weekly LIVE 1-hour group coaching calls on Zoom. (Except Moon Workshop weeks - see below.)  On these calls, I’ll provide live coaching and lead you through a meditation. Don’t worry if you can’t make the live call. All calls are recorded and uploaded to the program portal the next day.

  • Monthly LIVE 1-hour New and Full Moon Workshops. During these two monthly workshops, I’ll lead you through exercises to harness the energy of the moon cycles. All workshops are recorded and uploaded to the program portal the next day.

  • Additional support from me in the private Slack group. I check in regularly to answer questions. You’ll also be able to share and celebrate wins with your fellow Shifters.

  • Ongoing accountability and encouragement from me – I send periodic check-in emails to see how you’re doing and help you stay on track.

  • Exclusive email access to me. You can email me whenever questions come up, or you need support and guidance to help you navigate a challenge

  • Journaling prompts paired with healing playlists, to strengthen your learning process and reinforce the new neural pathways and habits you’re building.

  • Self-directed neuroplasticity exercises to help you physically and emotionally rewire your brain

  • Goal setting exercises so you can put what you’re learning into practice – and see the progress you’ve made throughout the program

PLUS, when you enroll, you’ll get these special bonuses:

  • INSTANT ACCESS to the complete Shift Library of recordings from previous programs. This includes over 25 hours of past coaching calls – with the guided meditation of the week – PLUS each program’s Moon Workshops, so you can start exploring the teachings that will help move you forward…today!

  • Two BONUS weeks of the Shift Program. That’s over 6 months of personalized support!

  • Two BONUS weeks of access to the Shift Library and recordings from your Shift program. Shift ends December 21, but you’ll have access through December 31.


 Enjoy a warm, supportive community in our private Slack group


“I’m not living in fight or flight anymore”

There was a feeling I didn’t even know I needed, but it was support. Jamie gave me support that allowed me to feel relief I’ve needed for years, in so many ways. When I felt that support and relief, I felt something in my body shift. It was like, “I’m safe. It’s safe to relax and to breathe.”

Because I wasn’t doing that before. I had all these different practices, but you can only do so much by yourself.

Shift allowed me to relax and accept guidance from a higher source to help me on a deeper level, and that’s what I asked for in the beginning. I asked for a deeper healing. I’m not living in fight or flight anymore.

Once everything started calming down in my body on a cellular level, the floodgates opened up and I started to create all my dreams. All these things I’ve been wanting to create, it just opened up.

Something is working through me now instead of me trying to make it happen in my head. I couldn’t do that before because I was in fight or flight for so long, relying on myself, that I couldn’t relax. Once this work with Jamie helped me relax, I could say ‘Okay spirit, come through – what do you want me to do? How can I be of service now?’

-S.M. | Adolescent Psychotherapist


 Take a peek at the schedule


LIVE 1-hour Group Coaching Calls
Every Tuesday from 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM Eastern* (Except Moon Workshop weeks)

• 7/7/20

• 7/14/20

• 7/28/20

• 8/11/20

• 8/25/20

• 9/8/20

• 9/22/20

• 10/6/20

• 10/20/20

• 11/3/20

• 11/17/20

• 11/24/20

• 12/8/20

LIVE 1-hour Moon Workshops
Before every New and Full Moon*

• 6/30/20- Full Moon

• 7/20/20 - New Moon

• 8/3/20 - Full Moon

• 8/18/20 - New Moon

• 9/1/20 - Full Moon

• 9/15/20 - New Moon

• 9/29/20 - Full Moon

• 10/13/20 - New Moon

• 10/27/20 - Full Moon

• 11/12/20 - New Moon

• 11/30/20 - Full Moon

• 12/14/20 - New Moon

• 12/21/20 - Full Moon




Can’t make it to a live call? No worries! Every session is recorded and uploaded to the class portal, so you can watch or listen on your schedule.

*There’s always a possibility some dates and times may change for the live workshops.


 “Jamie guided me on an incredible journey of healing”

“I began seeing Jamie at a time when I was feeling a bit lost in my career, personal, and spiritual lives. Although I did not initially have a clear understanding of exactly what I wanted to get out of our time together, Jamie brought a fresh perspective to my situation – helping me to uncover the patterns, limiting beliefs, and blocks that were present in my life. 

Jamie is both extremely approachable and easy to connect with, and yet I left each session in awe of her incredible wealth of knowledge and unsure if I had just been in the presence of a guru or my best girlfriend. Together we uncovered past issues, limiting thought patterns, and anxieties that were inhibiting my growth. 

Through a powerful combination of talking, breath work, Reiki, Kundalini, crystals, meditation, journaling – and so much more – Jamie has made a measurable difference in helping me shift my life. 

I’m so grateful to have this wonderful human, and personal cheerleader in my life."

-Katherine F. | Finance


 “I feel like you are one of my closest friends now.”


 Enroll in the Shift group coaching program today

Sign up to experience a better approach to building new thinking patterns that stick. One that relies on making you feel seen, held and supported. (Instead of depending on willpower, ‘trying harder’ or figuring it all out yourself.) 

Reserve your seat today. Shift begins June 30, 2020 with weekly LIVE coaching sessions or empowering LIVE Moon Workshops.


PLUS...two special Bonuses for Early Bird Enrollees ONLY

Enroll by June 29 and get an Early Bird Discount (pricing below) PLUS a free 15-minute one-on-one coaching call with me.

I’m not taking one-on-one clients right now, so this is an extra special bonus! You can use your call any time during the program, from June 30 – December 31, 2020.


Single Payment

discount for paying in full

6 Month – Shift Group Coaching Program

✔ Instant access to the Shift library of recordings ($2500 value)

✔ Weekly 1-hour LIVE group coaching calls (except Moon Workshop weeks)

✔ Monthly 1-hour LIVE New Moon and Full Moon Workshops

✔ Immersive exercises

✔ Private Slack community

✔ Exclusive email access to Jamie

✔ Prepayment Discount


✔ Two BONUS weeks of the program - 6.5 months total

✔ One 15 Minute Private One on One with Jamie

waitlist for decmber 2020!

Monthly Payments


6 Month – Shift Group Coaching Program

✔ Instant access to the Shift library of recordings ($2500 value)

✔ Weekly 1-hour LIVE group coaching calls (except Moon Workshop weeks)

✔ Monthly 1-hour LIVE New Moon and Full Moon Workshops

✔ Immersive exercises

✔ Private Slack community

✔ Exclusive email access to Jamie


✔ Two BONUS weeks of the program - 6.5 months total

✔ One 15 Minute Private One on One with Jamie

waitlist decmber 2020!

You won’t be just another name in the ‘attendees’ list

Most of the group coaching programs out there are broken. 

There’s no support and you don’t feel a connection with the coach. It’s easy to get lost or feel anonymous in them.

You end up in a ‘group,’ in a ‘community,’ groping for clarity alongside your fellow students. You may build camaraderie, but you’re left with more questions than answers at the end.

Shift is different.

I keep the group small so I can hold space for you, and each one of your fellow Shifters.

You will be seen, heard and held.

You will have a deeply personal connection and relationship with me. 

You’ll even have exclusive, direct email access to me.

I support and encourage you throughout the entire process. When things come up during your practice or day – emotions, resistance, confusion – you have a space to share and find out why (and most importantly – what you need to keep doing).

It’s just like having a one-on-one coaching relationship, but in a group setting.


 You’ll get personalized attention from me throughout the program


Shift is for you if…

✔ You know there’s so much you want to accomplish (a fulfilling career, a deeply intimate relationship, or a passion project that can impact the world)...but something is holding you back

✔ You want to take a creative risk, make a BIG lifestyle change or just start doing things on your own terms...but you’re too afraid of what the consequences might be

✔ You’re ready to commit to a weekly 1-hr group coaching call, and 20-30 minutes a day for the rest of the week

This is not a program based on quick fixes or shortcuts. (They don’t exist.) Shift is designed to help you achieve transformational change that sticks – not temporary wins that fade in a few hours.


You will be supported every step of the way. I designed Shift to be a deeply nurturing and empowering experience where you will feel seen, heard and held.

 Questions your fellow Shifters asked before hitting the ‘Enroll’ button

Is Shift for me, even if I have no prior experience with meditation or mindset work?

Yes! It doesn’t matter if you’ve never heard of chakras or tried meditating. (And if you’re an experienced meditator, you’ll also get a ton of value from the program.)  You will have guidance on all the exercises, and you can ask questions in the Slack group. 

What is the time commitment for Shift?

20-30 minutes per day, with a 1-hour live coaching call once a week. 

Many Shifters choose to invest more time in the program - diving deeper into journaling prompts, participating in the Slack group and exploring insights that came up during the daily meditation. It’s up to you!

When does the program start?

As soon as you enroll, you’ll have access to the Shift Library, a collection of over 25 hours of live coaching call recordings and Moon Workshops from previous Shift programs. This will give you the chance to dive into the material immediately. The new program starts on June 30, 2020 and goes through December 31, 2020.

Can I sign up if I’ve never worked with Jamie before?

Absolutely! This is open to any woman who is interested in building healthier, more empowering habits, so they can step into their best life (and Best Self). Past and current clients are welcome, and so is anyone who is new to my work.

Can I sign up if I have worked with Jamie before?

Yes! Past and current clients are welcome. This will give you ongoing support to continue the work we did in our one-on-one sessions. 

Can I work with Jamie one-on-one?

I’m not currently taking one-on-one clients, so this is the only way to work with me right now. Shift is designed to give you plenty of personalized attention and support. I keep the group small so I can hold space for you, and each one of your fellow Shifters. I support and encourage you throughout the entire process. You will have a deeply personal connection and relationship with me. You’ll also have exclusive, direct email access to me.

Early bird enrollees ALSO get a special bonus: a 15-minute one-on-one coaching call with me. This can be used anytime during the program, from June 30 – December 31, 2020. The early bird discount + bonus offer expires June 29, 2020.

What happens after I join?

You’ll receive an email confirming you're in. It will have a welcome video, walking you through how to use the Shift Library, so you can make the most of your access to this great content.

You’ll also receive instant access to the Shift Library, a collection of over 25 hours of live coaching call recordings and Moon Workshops from previous Shift programs. This will give you the chance to dive into the material immediately.

How will the live calls work?

The live calls will be hosted on Zoom. You don’t need a webcam to participate - just privacy, a journal and a good WiFi connection. 

What do I need during the calls?

Privacy, a journal, and a good WiFi connection. In addition to the live coaching, I’ll be leading the group through a meditation, so make sure you’re somewhere where you can participate comfortably. 

What if I miss a session? Are the calls recorded?

Yes. All live coaching calls and Moon Workshops are recorded and uploaded into your program portal.

What if I need more support?

You can always post questions in the private Slack group. I check in regularly to answer questions and provide additional support.

You will also have exclusive email access to me throughout the entire 6-month program. Please expect a 48-hour response time.

Do I need any special technology to participate?

The Shift program happens in three places: Teachable, Zoom and Slack. Please note: we don’t provide tech support for any of these platforms.

  • Teachable: This is where all your program materials live. Once you hit the ‘Yes - I’m in!’ button and choose your payment option, you’ll create your Teachable account for Shift. (If you already have existing Teachable accounts for other courses or programs, this will be a Shift-specific login.)

  • Zoom: This is where the live weekly group coaching calls take place. You can either access it by web or dialing-in. You don’t need an account to join, but depending on your device, you may need to download the app.

  • Slack: This private group is for current Shift students only. You can ask questions you want me to answer, celebrate victories and get inspiration from your fellow Shifters.

Do you have a payment plan option?

Absolutely! Click the ‘Yes - I’m in!’  button above or below to find three different payment plan options.

Do you offer refunds?

No. Due to the nature of this program, and the access and support you’ll get from me, there are no refunds or exchanges. When. you sign up for the payment plan you are agreeing to all 6 payments.

Can I share my program access with a friend?

No, your program access is for you only. But if you have a friend who you think would benefit from the program, share this page with them so they can enroll. You can Shift your minds together!

Can I assign up for just part of the program?

No, you must enroll in the full course. The goal of Shift is to help you build new habits that will reshape your mindset. And that takes consistent, daily action. Your commitment to the whole program - and the support you’ll receive throughout it - is part of what makes the program so effective.

How long will I have access to the curriculum?

You’ll have access from the moment you enroll, until December 31, 2020. The program ends December 21, 2020.


You deserve to live each day with complete peace, passion and a love for life.

And Shift can get you there

No more going it alone, or wasting countless hours trying to ‘figure things out.’

I give you a clear path. You just have to walk it.

All while being enfolded in a supportive, nurturing space where you will be seen, heard and held.


“I love the ‘new me’…”

I’m still in awe of the profound impact Jamie has had on me. I love the “new me”- the confidence I feel, the mind-shift and perspective changes on so many beliefs that were holding me back in my life - and I really owe it all to Jamie. 

Thanks to Jamie, I found the power within me through her divine wisdom, and her teachings of breath and meditation. At the risk of belaboring my point, I’ll say this: Jamie is an amazing human being and if you are ready for your life to change in truly an “organic” way, she’s the real deal.

Tanya Hayre  |  Media Consultant and Huffington Post Contributor


It’s time to DISSOLVE the limiting beliefs and negative self-talk keeping you from living a life full of clarity, passion and groundedness

Enroll in Shift and experience a better approach to building new thinking patterns that stick. One that relies on making you feel seen, held and supported. (Instead of depending on willpower, ‘trying harder’ or figuring it all out yourself.) 

Reserve your seat today – only 15 spots are available!

Shift begins June 30 with weekly LIVE coaching sessions or empowering LIVE Moon Workshops.

Enrollment closes on Monday, June 29 at 11:59 PM Eastern. 

I can’t wait to meet you inside.

Single Payment

Pay in Full discount

6 Month – Shift Group Coaching Program

✔ Instant access to the Shift library of recordings ($2500 value)

✔ Weekly 1-hour LIVE group coaching calls (except Moon Workshop weeks)

✔ Monthly 1-hour LIVE New Moon and Full Moon Workshops

✔ Immersive exercises

✔ Private Slack community

✔ Exclusive email access to Jamie

✔ Prepayment Discount


✔ Two BONUS weeks of the program - 6.5 months total

✔ Two BONUS weeks of library access, once the program ends

waitlist decmber 2020!

Monthly Payments

monthly payments

6 Month – Shift Group Coaching Program

✔ Instant access to the Shift library of recordings ($2500 value)

✔ Weekly 1-hour LIVE group coaching calls (except Moon Workshop weeks)

✔ Monthly 1-hour LIVE New Moon and Full Moon Workshops

✔ Immersive exercises

✔ Private Slack community

✔ Exclusive email access to Jamie


✔ Two BONUS weeks of the program - 6.5 months total

✔ Two BONUS weeks of library access, once the program ends

waitlist decmber 2020!

Still have questions on the program not answered here?

If you have any questions about the program or need help ordering, please let us know at and we’ll get back to you.