Organically, Jamie mind shifter + energy mover

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What to Do About Imposter Syndrome

What happens when anxiety hits you in the most inescapable of places - the place you HAVE to show up in, but don’t quite feel ready to, or aren’t really sure you belong in?

Basically: what happens when anxiety threatens to overthrow your life and dreams?

Whether it’s work, or parenting, or relationship, or any current or future plan you have for yourself…anxiety loves to show up as Imposter Syndrome.

Imposter Syndrome is the idea that we are pretending to be something we say we are - that we are not really who we think we are.

Imposter Syndrome tells us we are frauds.

The good news: it’s not just you. EVERYONE has it. Even the people at the top of their game.

And that’s because there is uncertainty, and uncertainty is
what generates anxiety.

It’s important to always remember (and always remind yourself) that you will always have anxiety when you do something new or out of your comfort zone.

That’s a normal response that everyone - even the most seasoned professionals - has.

You might notice, however, that when you start to think those creeping thoughts, there’s another (perhaps quieter) voice opposing them.

There’s a voice that tells you that you DO know what you’re doing, and that you ARE who you think you are, and of course you belong wherever you want to be…

There’s a voice that reminds you that you are a miracle, here to do whatever it is your heart desires.

The secret to overcoming Imposter Syndrome is to amplify the voice that is quietly cheering you on.

This is done by developing a good relationship with your nervous system.

By using your breath to create space so you can choose the better thought.

The one that tells you that feelings are not facts.

The one that reminds you that everyone doing something big - even your idols - is experiencing Imposter Syndrome.

So my advice to you is to breathe.

Cultivate a practice that gives you the space you need to choose differently.

To listen to the voice that tells you that you’re amazing.

To get used to being uncomfortable and on your edge.

And to do it anyway.