Organically, Jamie mind shifter + energy mover

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The Antidote To Anxiety Is Faith [JOURNALING PROMPTS INSIDE!]

Photo Wendy Yalom

"Those who are certain of the outcome can wait & wait without anxiety." - Marianne Williamson

The quote above changed the way I frame anxiety, and became a centerpoint for me as I was working to shift my relationship with my life.

Anxiety is like a weed: in the right environment, it will flourish and spread, eventually taking over the entire garden.

So what is that "right" environment?

Put simply: anxiety thrives in environments of attention.

When we constantly tell ourselves the same story that future events in our life are not going to work out, anxiety has found the perfect incubator.

So one of the best things we can do is learn to grow our faith.

As Marianne Williamson says, "Those who are certain of the outcome can wait & wait without anxiety."

But I will add that in order for that to be true, we have to be certain that the outcome will be favorable.

Because the truth is, it’s a lot easier to believe that things are NOT going to work out than it is to believe that they are.

So…how do we align with positivity in a way that is *not* bypassing?

There are a lot of ways to move anxiety out of the way.

In Find Your Calm, my new course on overcoming anxiety, I offer you lots of tools to do so.

One of my most favorite (and frequently encouraged) ways to do so is through journaling.

This is why you’ll often see journaling prompts in my emails to you…

So today, I’m going to take you through an exercise that will help you lay the foundation for change.

Grab your journal and find a quiet place to sit down. You may want to light candles, surround yourself with crystals, play soothing music…whatever helps you set the scene for welcoming in a sense of calm.

Now, close your eyes, and bring to mind whatever it is that is creating anxiety for you right now.

Allow yourself to feel into it - to get familiar with it.

Ask yourself:

What are you scared of?

What do you think will happen?

Are there ways to avoid it?

Is it even true?

Are there different ways to think about it? What are those ways?

See what comes up for you, and let me know what you think!

When you can reframe your anxiety in a way that opens up possibility, and you can connect with the remembrance that you are a miracle, and that life - despite our greatest fears - usually ends up working out, then you can sit in the uncertainty with your own certainty.

And when you are relaxed and open, you can
Find Your Calm in any situation.

Managing your anxiety is the most powerful tool to shift your life from good to great.

But you have to show up for it.

Learn more practical tools that will help you break the loop of anxiety by joining me in
Find Your Calm.

I offer you ALL of the wisdom I’ve acquired over the years, the tools I use and teach to shift the experience, and personal anecdotes that remind you that you’re not alone.

And as a special bonus, you will receive
#SHIFTING with Kirtan Kriya ($339 value) for free when you enroll in Find Your Calm.

#SHIFTING with Kirtan Kriya is the perfect complement to Find Your Calm, and it will take you on a journey of tapping into your divine wisdom to shift into the life of your dreams.

And if you’d like to go deeper, and learn more powerful tools to help you shift your life from good to great, I invite you to check out my transformative course Find Your Calm.

Find Your Calm, you’ll learn more practical tools that will help you break the loop of anxiety.

Because managing your anxiety is the most potent way to transform your life from spinning to stillness.

You just have to show up for it.

Find Your Calm, I offer you ALL of the wisdom I’ve acquired over the years, the tools I use and teach to shift the experience, and personal anecdotes that remind you that you’re not alone.

And as a special bonus, you will receive
#SHIFTING with Kirtan Kriya ($339 value) for free when you enroll in Find Your Calm.

#SHIFTING with Kirtan Kriya is the perfect complement to Find Your Calm, and it will take you on a journey of tapping into your divine wisdom to shift into the life of your dreams.