Organically, Jamie mind shifter + energy mover

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New Moon in Leo


As I always say, I am not an astrologist, but I deeply feel the energy of the moon cycles. We are coming upon the New Moon in Leo, a sign that in its’ highest form is confident, creative, and warm. In its’ weakest form it is stubborn and overly concerned with others’ opinions.

You might notice yourself feeling a little overwhelmed by this energy, wanting to be creative and show up, but editing yourself to fit other people’s ideas of what you should do, who you should be, what you are capable of…You might find yourself replaying old stories of self-doubt. Often when we are getting ready to step into higher versions of ourselves, old stories come creeping back. They can trigger us into staying small and acting out according to a previous version of ourselves, a version of ourselves we are ready to release. Because of the placement of different planets, we have extra energy helping us to release this old stuff. But, as with anything in order to release it, you have to acknowledge it to yourself. This energy can feel overwhelming and keep us stuck in old patterns, or if we consciously use it we can let go of what has been holding us back…

This is an incredible moon to manifest and bring forward the version of you that you have been holding back from. The one that is ready to show up. Allowing yourself to speak your truth, while also letting others speak there’s…

New Moons are wonderful times to set intentions. For me, the New Moon is a time to get even quieter, to meditate more, to really go within and see what is there. During this time, the subconscious mind is more open to connect with and show us what we truly desire, and what aligned steps we can take to get there. It is then that our actions become aligned with our authentic selves, rather than our fear-based self. This is where the miracles happen!

During different phases of the Moon, different parts of our subconscious beliefs are more present. We have more access to these “unseen” parts. The New Moon is also about beginnings. This New Moon in Leo is about creating something that you truly passionate about. and speaking your truth. Tapping into your intuition to create from a place of trust. It is a great time to start planting seeds, and the more you listen the more you will hear how to feed them.

So, for this New Moon, we want to open up a conversation with our subconscious, allowing answers to unfold.  How do we do that? Well, I created a breathwork meditation for you to help bring answers to the surface. Think of it as a mini Energy Session.  It is filled with Reiki  + Sound + Brearth + Healing. +man opportunity to journal.   Reiki energy healing can move time and space, so you will feel it, even though you are not with me at the time I recorded it for you. 

Please create a sacred space for yourself, light your incense + candle, take out your crystals.  have your journal and a pen nearby. When you are ready, press play.

The meditation below is 10nminutes of breathwork to help you touch into your subconscious thoughts and to bring them forward, followed by an opportunity to journal whatever came up for you.

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Breathwork Meditation Organically, Jamie

Are you ready to step into a new, more empowered version of yourself and want a little extra support?

I am very excited to announce, for the first time in months, I have opened up my calendar to take on a limited amount of new private clients.

If You are ready to show up for all that you are here to do, click below…