Organically, Jamie mind shifter + energy mover

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Grow Through What You Go Through

Have you ever heard of the saying “Grow through what you go through?”

At the moment, it can feel like really annoying advice. When you’re having a hard time, sometimes all you want to do is wallow in self-pity. Looking for a bright side? So not the vibe.

But when we look back at some of our darkest moments, finding a bright side can be easier – and more rewarding – than you might expect.

Before I began coaching, I would have days where I was too anxious to get out of bed. Anxiety was one of my greatest struggles, but it was also my default coping mechanism. The more anxious I felt, the more anxious I would become. It felt like a never-ending cycle. Like overcoming my anxiety was a far-away fantasy – not something I could actually achieve.

Except I did overcome my anxiety (and it wasn’t even as daunting as I thought it would be).

In fact, I actually enjoyed it.

I realized there wasn’t actually anything I needed to “heal”.

I just needed to tweak some things.

We live in a world that keeps us overstimulated, insecure, overwhelmed and under touched…

There’s always a reason to have anxiety.

And while we all have different stories, thoughts, patterns, habits and triggers, the tweaks are the same for us all.

When we learn we can redirect our thoughts, and know we can intentionally breathe ourselves out of a trigger, the trigger itself doesn’t matter.

Yes, we have to know ourselves enough to understand what our stories, thoughts, patterns, habits and triggers are…

But the way we overcome them doesn’t have to be so complicated.

You asked, and I heard you and listened.

So stay tuned… I am going to show you how to find your calm.

We’re in this together.

Holding space for you,