Organically, Jamie mind shifter + energy mover

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Cultivating Your Future Self

As we move into Fall, we can't help but feel the change in the air. 


That can sometimes feel exciting, it can sometimes create anxiety, but most of the time, it feels like both. 


As the days grow shorter, it's natural to become more reflective and want to be more introspective with our energy.


This is the time of year that I encourage my clients to look back at the beginning of the year, to recall their intentions and examine what areas need attention so that they can be realized. 


The problem is that it's easy to get bogged down in what currently is and forget the future that we want to create. 


This is why I am obsessed with consistently working with Future Self, both for myself and for everyone I teach.


Take a moment and think about what you wanted to create in 2023?


What did you accomplish, and what is still on your list?


If it's a new career goal, can you spend time in the version of you that has created it? Can you feel into having that career, that promotion, that raise? 


If it is relationship, can you feel into the love that you are calling in? Maybe the fun places you'll go, the trips you'll take, the cozy nights staying in? 


If it's feeling better in your body, can you feel what it would be like to wake up with energy? Excited to get dressed, feeling strong and proud of how you look?


If it's being a more patient person in all of your relationships - with your partner, your children, your coworkers - can you feel into being present and calm in moments you'd otherwise be triggered? Into what it feels like to not snap at the ones you love, and then beat yourself up afterwards? 


Take some long deep breaths, then sit with the versions of you that created these dreams and made them your reality. 


How does that feel? 


Imagine bringing all that you desire to life, so that your life is a reflection of your dreams.


Feels amazing, right?


But also a bit like a pipe dream.


Here's the thing:


Working with your Future Self WILL be confronting. 


But only because you're removing the obstacles that stand between the you of the present moment and the you of the future. 


So you NEED to it to be a little scary to know you're on the right path.


Because Future Self work isn't just about passively staying in the abstract of “manifesting”. 


It's a formula of dreaming big, dancing with those dreams, programming them into your subconscious mind and taking earthly actions to magnetize everything to you.


And that's where I come in.


I've upgraded my most popular Future Self course to include two opportunities to be coached by me live.


Because I know it can be hard to move through the resistance that comes up when changing your life.


And my superpower is showing you how to get unstuck so you can manifest your best life ever.


Future Self: The Course 

starts on Tuesday, October 10


This year, we're all doing it together.


And the live Office Hours are specifically scheduled to keep you motivated, inspired and connected.


Because you deserve to live a life beyond your wildest dreams, and experience everything that comes with them.


And I want to show you how…

I am thrilled to announce that I upgraded one of my most popular, transformational programs with even more support, guidance and inspiration.

Future Self: The Course is ready for you now.

And this time, we’re going to do things a little differently…

We will all start on the same day, to amplify the transformative energy of the course.

Seven self-led modules to bring you into your brightest Future.

One powerful, guided meditation practice to bring that Future into the Present.

And there will be two LIVE Office Hours Workshops with me for you to ask questions or be coached by me.

I can’t wait to dive into the Future with you.

Because really: it’s time.

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