Choosing Depth
Last Thursday was Porter’s last day of school, and on Friday afternoon, he had a temperature of 104.
Usually, my husband and I bring him to the doctor in his stroller, but he insisted that I carry him the entire way there and back.
He needed his mama.
Six years ago, a life like this never would have been possible.
To spontaneously clear my calendar in order to take him to the doctor would have caused a ripple effect of catastrophic proportions.
Living a life with a career so dependent on my physical and mental presence was probably a big part of why it took me so long to realize I wanted to be a mama.
And now that I am a mama, I have to ferociously protect myself from my tendency to overextend.
Because for as much as I love my job, my real, non-negotiable priority is my little guy.
Within two days of announcing it, I was given resounding confirmation that my decision to delay Abundant + Aligned was the right one.
So as I sat next to my sweet son sleeping off his fever, I started to think about what makes sense to come next in my business.
How can I show up, make an impact in a way that excites me, and still have the freedom and energy to be the kind of mama I want to be?
We’re so often taught that we need to create more and more and more in order to be “successful”.
But maybe there’s another way to do it.
One of my teachers used to say that it’s better to go deep with one meditation than it is to pile on and have a superficial relationship with several different ones.
And that always resonated with me.
Something right now tells me that I want to go deeper with my work, not wider.
So I’m sitting with that and figuring it out.
I’m so excited for all that is to come.
But if you don’t want to wait, check out the different ways you can work with me below.
And don’t worry - Porter had picked up a nasty virus as his parting gift from school, but he’s back to his hilarious, crazy self now.
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